Terms Of Use

Simslice.com webpage designs, graphics, text and downloads made for the Maxis game The Sims™ and The Sims 2 are Copyright 2000-2007 Simslice.com. Portions of Category pics are derived from The Sims™ for familiarity purposes. Any other company, product, or service name references or depictions are trademarks of their respective owners or licensors.

You may download, view, read, print or use the materials on this site or in your own game as stated. You may NOT copy, clone, hack, sell, distribute these creations to others or post them on other sites. This also applies to any usernames and passwords. Violation of our terms may result in cancellation of membership and privileges with or without warning, and prevention of any subscription attempts in the future. All materials are provided "as is" and without any warranties of any kind, expressed or implied. We take no responsibility for any problems you experience with any content on this site. Feedback about our content has been overwhelmingly positive for many years, and we have a long standing reputation in the Community for quality work and customer service, so it is very unlikely you will experience any problems. However if you do, please contact us directly and we'll try to help you (we also have tips on our FAQ page).

If you wish to recolor or remake our objects, we may be interested in hosting them here at Simslice, but not on other sites. Click on our Submissions page for details -- if you are interested, we'd love to hear from ya. :)

Simslice.com is not endorsed by or affiliated with Maxis or Electronic Arts. Maxis and The Sims are registered Trademarks of Electronic Arts, Inc.

"Requirements:" Most of our objects are intended to work with any version of The Sims but some of them might have special requirements (such as a particular expansion pack for example). Please note the "Requirements" listing by each item's description (or zipped in the "readme" file) for details about that. We carry items for both The Sims and The Sims 2 game. Both games have completely different engines so items are not cross-compatable. Therefore, any items compatible with the original "The Sims" (TS1) game will not be compatible with "The Sims 2" (TS2) game, and vise versa.

Like most websites, we "zip" most files to reduce space and speed up the download time for you. You are probably already familiar with zip files and programs such as WinZip (you can get a free evaluation version there if needed). Windows users can simply double click on a file ending in .zip to "unzip" it in most cases. Please see our FAQ Page for additional details about downloading and installing game files. Based on feedback over the years, Simslice.com content works on both MAC and PC versions of the game, however since we don't own MACs we cannot offer any guarantees.

Simslice staff vigorously tests each item we ourselves create, and we would not post a download unless we had full confidence that it would perform as intended. Any requirements we provide should be followed for best gameplay. Simslice also hosts content provided by artists from around the world. Questions about our Guest Submissions should be directed to the creators of those items whenever possible to get the best feedback because we don't personally make & test those ourselves. Problems with downloads (from any site) are often not related to the downloads at all, but are usually caused by other things outside our control. Please see our FAQ page for a list of common downloader problems and resolutions that should help you in those rare situations.

Violation of our terms may result in immediate cancellation of membership and privileges, and prevention of any subscription attempts in the future. Refunds, if any, would be at our discretion only, based on these terms, and if deemed reasonable or necessary. We are respectable folks and we don't appreciate anyone trying to take advantage of others. Paypal customers with recurring subscriptions may cancel their subscription at anytime by either contacting us, or by returning to their Paypal account, looking up their subscription record and clicking the "Cancel Subscription" button. Please fully read the details of your subscription (on our Signup page) before subscribing. These terms may be subject to change without notice at anytime. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us.

Thank you for visiting Simslice and we hope you enjoy your time with us. :)

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