The site you just
visited is in violation of the law.
Please report this site to us at
Your identity
will be kept anonymous.
you like it when artists decide to stop creating downloads for
you, or when your favorite sites shut down and leave the community
altogether, never to return? The site you just visited is
helping to make things like this happen!
most common reason for this is theft, and bandwidth
theft is one form of this. Despite what you might hear,
bandwidth at high-traffic sites is not cheap, and the more popular
the site, the more expensive the bandwidth. When sites, such
as the one you just visited, "hotlink" to objects
and images from us, it drains our bandwidth. Essentially, we
pay money everytime someone visits their site. It is
a sleazy form of stealing, and companies who host these offending
sites will typically either remove the links or just shut down
the entire site altogether once the thieving is known to them.
We prefer not to have to go that far initially because
it's possible the person who created the hotlink you just clicked
on, didn't realize it was a big no-no. But sometimes they do
know, and it eventually shows up on our bandwidth reports. It
definitely can't be allowed to continue.
can you help?
us about this hotlink at
and include the URL (the "www." address) of the
offending site.
keep the Sim Community as trusting and fun-loving as possible
by not tolerating theft or hotlinks. Thank you.