Description: Climate
control has reached a new level, from Simslice the original weather
makers! This version for TS2 has six unique weather patterns: Snow,
Rain, Autumn (Fall leaves), Pizza Showers (couldn't resist) or make
it rain cats & dogs... literally! We also included a
"Rain Sims" feature - you choose gender and age, and
cause a variety of random Sim visitors to fall from the sky and splat
down face-first onto your lawn... to say hi. Most importantly, this
has the Auto-Seasons feature! With Auto-Seasons "On",
you get a daily weather report and experience consistent weather
conditions automatically during the day, based on that report. It
happens on it's own, automatically, just like real weather! Turn Auto-Seasons
"Off" to terminate your climate at anytime. You can also
manually operate the machine to produce weather anytime you choose.
Enjoy snowball fights with your friends, playing in autumn leaves, splashing
around in the rain, or if you're in a silly (and hungry) mood, let it
rain Pizza slices! Or (if you have the Pets expansion pack),
you can make it rain cats & dogs... for real! All weather
only happens outside (for example, it will not rain inside). Various
accumulation appears on the ground, all of which can be interacted with...
including a few wildly fun surprises too. Or just click a button to
stop all showers or remove all debris from the ground instantly. Several
types of autumn leaf piles to play in and a few Fall veggies too, are
also included, with permission, by the creator's of the Jwoods
Autumn Donation Set with thanks. Cosmetic updates were also made in
February 2007. No expansions required to use this -- you do not need
the Sims 2 Seasons expansion pack! This was a lot of work to create
(28 files total) and I hope you enjoy this simulated weather
experience in your TS2 game. :) Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Updated June 2007:
Acid Rain feature added! Daring Sims can splash around in acid
puddles for Fun points, but it's not so good for Hygiene and the chemicals
could be harmful to clothing... or have other (non-lethal) consequences...
;). No expansion required for the Acid Rain. In addition, if you have
the Seasons expansion pack you now can have access to all the
Weathernaught 57X weather that came with that expansion. This includes
the elusive Reign of Fire, which you can now summon safely anytime...
and without risk of injury or loss of property. Also you can now recharge
the Weathernaught using this Weather Machine... so instead of only
a measly 5 uses, the Weathernaught can now last you forever!
Loads of additional details are in the enclosed "readme"
NONE - made to work with any version of The Sims 2. You do NOT need
Seasons or any other expansion pack to use this.
mb zipped
This is also posted somewhere in our Sims
2 Objects section.
Other Related Links:
"Rain Maker" Obelisk

Makes four different types of rain-related weather,
and in an entertaining way! Click here
to get it now!
TS1 Deluxe Weather Seasons Package -- made for the original The Sims
This separate download provides nine (9) different types of weather
for the original The Sims game! Including Snow, Hail, Rain, Fall
Leaves... even Tornados! Automated climate systems also available that
simulate a true weather experience.
Click here to get it
2 Objects Section
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