Stress Doll

Bigger pics: pic#1 | pic#2 | pic#3 | pic#4 |
Made By: Simslice
Buy Mode Price: §12
Buy Mode Category: Hobbies > Recreation
Statistics: Comfort 5; Fun 5
Had a bad
day and need to vent your frustration? Your consequence-free "stress
doll" is here and ready to take your abuse! This cute little
blue bunny can take anything you dish out. Plop it down on any surface
and give it your worst! It always rebounds back into shape. Plus
it provides some therapeutic Comfort and Fun points too. Surprises
also included. A VooDoo Doll version (part of our Mad Scientist
set) was added later by Wintermuteai1 (see
that pic). Happy catharsis!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
The Sims 2.
Will Wright Scarecrow!

Bigger pics: pic#1 |
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Decorative ->
Made for fun and respect
for The Sims creator
Have a life-sized
mannequin resembling the creator of The Sims franchise help you
with your garden protection needs! This hay-stuffed scarecrow is
perfect for keeping the birds company on those long harvest nights.
Your Sims can also be "scared" in a variety of ways by
this object's spooky animations. Unlike other scarecrows, this one does not require the Seasons expansion pack to use.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
TS2 Players wanting more scarecrows, see our 2
Pirate versions in TS2 Guest Objects. TS1 (original Sims) players
can check out our TS1 Will
Wright NPC (in Miscellaneous Objects, pg. 3 or later), or the Magical
Incentive Pack that can generate the Will Wright giant character
from Makin' Magic anytime, or our Guard
Tomatoes (on our Freebies page) that remove the giant. If these objects shifted pages, as
they do over time, then Contact
Us, or try our keyword Search
Page. |
Bob Newbie Punching Bag + 3 Others!

Bigger pics: pic#1 | pic#2 |
Made By: Simslice
Buy Mode Price: §502
Buy Mode Category: Hobbies -> Exercise
Statistics: Fun 6; Body - four (4) punching bags!
Vent your frustrations and earn Fun and Body points while wailing on this TS1... "favorite". Or teach other Sims the best way to learn boxing. Comes with gut extended and guard down... for your pleasure! There are four (4) punching bags total. In addition to Bob Newbie, other "deserving" NPCs are available too, such as a sleazy tabloid Paparazzi photographer (as seen in the TS1 Superstar ep), Slater (the biker from "Slater's Strange Brew Stand", "Home Shopping Phone", and other TS2 and TS1 notoriety) and a "punch dummy". The Punch Dummy version was submitted by Wintermuteai1. All others were made by Simslice. Click links above for an enlarge image of
all four. Begin Round One! *ding*
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: - The Sims 2.
We have a TS2 playable Newbie family in our TS2 Lots/Houses section.
We also have a plethera of Slater related items (objects, walls,
skins) for both TS1 and TS2... and a TS1 Paparazzi skin too. |
Captain America's Hobby Shield

Bigger pics: pic#1 | pic#2 |
Coding By:
Graphics By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Decorative ->
Max out any Hobby Enthusiasm!
With Captain
America now gone, Sim fans have to find a new hobby other than reading
about his adventures. Use this tribute shield to honor his memory,
and instantly max out any Hobby Enthusiasm level in the game. Just
click on any of the 10 Hobbies (Music, Sports, Cuisine, Tinkering,
etc.) and then go enjoy your hobby! All benefits, plaques, rewards,
wants, etc. are all at your fingertips... even access to the Hobby
Clubs and secret lots! Rest in Peace Captain America, you will be
missed (1941-2007).
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
The Sims
2 FreeTime
Knockout Gas!

Bigger pics: pic#1 | pic#2 | pic#3 | pic#4 |
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Miscellaneous ->
Fun 2
A fun (non-lethal)
way to let your guests know that... you'd rather be alone right
now. Have a "blast" at your next party (but don't expect
any "thank you" notes). Gas will put all Sims in the
room to sleep, so make sure your mischievious Sim is well enough
away from the fume's blast radius before it goes off... or they'll
be counting sheep in no time.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
The Sims 2.
Stink Bomb!

Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Miscellaneous ->
Fun 2
similarly to our Knockout Gas (to the left) but this gas
will only lower Hygiene of all Sims in the room, to -100
(the lowest score). So make sure your mischievious Sim is far away
from the fume's blast radius before it goes off... *snicker*
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
The Sims 2.
"Goodbye George W. Bush" Departure Mask!

Bigger pics: pic#1 |
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Decorative ->
Fun -2; Remove Any Sim!
An acutal
human head (not really) cloned from the DNA of George W. Bush, the
outgoing President of the United States (2009). Dedicated to his
departure, you can make any Sim on the lot leave at the click
of a button... even those hard-to-remove Sims (like the Burglar).
They don the mask, react, then hasten their departure. Bon Voyage!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
None - Made to work with any version of The Sims 2 game.
Note: For another wearable head-mask, try
our Wearable Klingon Head - Worf (from Star Trek), posted on page 3 in this
section at the time of this writing. Note that objects shift to
latter pages over time, so if you don't find it there, try the next
page. Or try searching by keyword via our Search
Engine. |
"Bluff or Buff" Strip Poker Table!

Bigger pics: pic#1 |
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Hobbies -> Recreation
Fun 10
Put on your
best poker face and work on your bluffs, or you might end up in
the buff! Exciting card game fun for all Sims. Additional details
are in the "readme" file with the download. Enjoy!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
The Sims
2 Nightlife expansion pack.
If you want other clothes-changing object, try
our Pool Table to the right, or our Costume
Trunk (on pg. 13 at the time of this writing), or use our Search Page. If you play the original Sims game, try our TS1 Dress Code Door in TS1 Build
Mode & Outside Objects. |
"Rack -n- Roll" Strip Pool Table!

Bigger pics: pic#1 |
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Hobbies -> Recreation
Fun 10
pool was never so much fun! Watch out though, you never know who
might be trying to hustle you... or who just likes to stand by and
watch (...pervs). Comes in a variety of felt and wood color options.
Additional details are in the "readme" file with the download.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
The Sims
2 University expansion pack.
If you want other clothes-changing object, try
our Poker Table to the left, or our Costume
Trunk (on pg. 13 at the time of this writing), or use our Search Page. If you play the original Sims game, try our TS1 Dress Code Door in TS1 Build
Mode & Outside Objects. |
Pot O' Gold Stash!

Bigger pics: pic#1 | pic#2 | pic#3 |
Coding & Texture By:
Model By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Decorative ->
Fun 5
A fun alternative
to the money cheat, if you're so inclined that is. Buy this neon-soaked
pot of gold for §1,000 and earn 10 times the profit, plus Fun
points too! Similar to our TS1 "Vegas Gold Stash".
Exact earnings from the money varies. Pot texture made to resemble
the original TS1 Vegas Gold Stash object. Fun animations, sounds
and effects included.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
The Sims
2 Seasons
TS1 Note: Players of the original Sims game (TS1)
can find our original "Vegas Gold Stash" download, currently
in TS1
Miscellaneous Objects, page 7 at the time of this writing. If
it shifted over time, try the next page or try our keyword Search
Page. |
Futurama Heads-In-A-Jar - 26 files!

Bigger pics: pic#1 | pic#2 | pic#3 | pic#4 | pic#5 | pic#6 | pic#7 | pic#8 | pic#9 |
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
§100 each
Buy Mode Category:
Decorative ->
Fun 3; Social 3; Comfort
by the head-in-a-jar characters from the Futurama TV series, now
your Sims can have familiar celebrities preserved and living forever
in their own head jars. A wide variety of fun interactions, animations
and effects are available. Feed them, exercise, talk with them,
mock them, etc. Twenty-two (22) different celebrities including
Christina Aguilera, Marilyn Monroe, Avril Lavigne, Drew Carey and
more... also including TS1 favorites such as The Newbies, Goths,
Tragic Clown, Flippy the Clown, Slater, Aliens, Star Trek favorites
and many more! Even Santa is here for your holiday pleasure. Enjoy
your trip to the Head Museum, and... don't get ahead of yourself....
bahahaha... um... *ahem*
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
None - Made to work with any version of The Sims 2 game.
Magical Leaf Rake!

Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Decorative ->
Remove all leaf piles effortlessly!
Like our
Magical Hedge Shears, this rake was once owned by a great wizard
in Magic Town and is now available for you! If you have the Seasons
expansion, it will automatically scan the lot once each day to ensure
that any unwanted leaf piles are effortlessly and instantly removed.
If you're in a hurry, you can also do this manually anytime by clicking
on "Remove Leaf Piles". Just hang this magic rake on the
wall anywhere you want - and for improved aesthetics, you can hang
other objects over or under them too. If you don't have the Seasons
ep, you can still hang up this rake as a fitting decorative object.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
If you want other easy-yardwork objects, try our Magical Hedge Sheers (on pg. 4 at the time of this writing). If the contents shifted
to latter pages over time, just try the next page or use our keyword Search Page. |
Secret Doors (Multi-Lock)!
Bigger pics: pic#1 | pic#2 | pic#3 |
Made By:
Idea Credit:
Build Mode Price:
Build Mode Category:
Doors & Windows
-> Doors
Take your privacy to brand
new levels!
Keep people
locked out of (or locked in) any room. These secret doors have more
locking options than any other door, and they don't require any
expansion packs to use. Keep any room private! Ten (10) different
locking options availble, including filters for residence, age,
gender and even species. In addition, you can unlock it at anytime
to allow public access too, or seal it to deny all access. Nine
(9) different color options available in all, to allow blending
with most surroundings. The brown version of the bookcase resembles
the Dahlen Library Bookcase to help camouflage your secret door
even more.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
If you play the original Sims game, try our TS1 Dress Code Door in TS1
Build Mode & Outside Objects. If this object shifted pages,
try the next page, Contact
Us, or try our keyword Search
Page. |
"Frozen In Time"

Bigger pics: pic#1 pic#2 pic#3 pic#4 |
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Lock your moods!
Got up too
early and have too much time to kill before work? Did an annoying
neighbor come over who might drain you of precious mood levels before
a big event? No worries, mon frere! Put your Sim in a state of suspended
animation for as long as you want. Their moods will not go up or
down throughout the process. Multiple Sims can use it at the same
time if needed. It is a relaxing experience and Sims get a small
Fun boost after they awaken. Works for Sims of any age - from Toddler
through Elder. This hourglass is also a nice decorative piece too.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
TS1 Players: For a similar object, check out our
TS1 Meditation
Rings, in TS1 Electronic Objects! |
Wearable Klingon Head - Worf!

Bigger pics: pic#1 |
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Decorative ->
Fun 3
An actual
Klingon head cloned from the DNA of Worf, son of Mogh and staring
character in both the Star Trek: the Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine television series. Wear this head
mask anytime you want, and go about your day to day activities looking
like a true Klingon warrior! You may take it off anytime too. Fun
effects included. In case of emergency, a more rapid removal technique,
"Vanquish", is also available to remove all Worf masks
from everyone on the lot... but with possible side effects... hmmm....
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
We have a plethora
of other Star Trek related items (objects, skins, etc.) for both
TS1 and TS2... including a TS2 Bat'leth fighting game. To
find them, see the enclosed readme file for links, Contact
Us, or try our Search
Engine using the keyword "trek". |
Magical Hedge Shears!
Made By:
Based on Idea by:
Buy Mode Category:
Never trim a bush or pull
weeds again!
These hedge
shears, once owned by a great wizard in Magic Town, are now available
for you! They will automatically scan all shrubs on the lot once
each day to ensure that they are neatly trimmed and never reach
that tacky overgrown state. As a bonus, they will eradicate all
your weeds too. If you're in a hurry, you can do this manually too
just by clicking on "Trim All Shrubs". Just hang these
magic shears on the wall anywhere you want - and for improved room
aesthetics, you can hang other objects over or under them too. Enjoy!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
"InstaStock" Shelf of Glory!

Bigger pics: pic#1 | pic#2 |
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Surfaces ->
Fun 5; Environment 4; All
"Passive Effects"
to the "ShowMeOff Rack of Glory", except you can instantly
stock this shelf with any of the Bon Voyage souvenirs from the Far East, Mountain, Island... and more. All the
shelf's special "passive effects" are also available.
Acts like a normal shelf too. Eight (8) different shelving color
options available. Eleven (11) different souvenirs & collectables
available (see pics above for details). You can showcase full shelves,
partially full shelves or shelves with mixed content. Suprises included.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
The Sims
2 Bon Voyage expansion pack.
Piggy Bank!
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Hobbies -> Misc.
Fun 4; Earn Interest on
your Simoleans!
Sims of
any age can put away their hard-earned Simoleans in this classic
piggy bank. And you earn interest on your balance! Interest rates
vary as the market fluctuates, and interest earned is automatically
deposited into the lil' piggy once every 24 hours. You can check
your current account balance, interest rates or withdrawal your
funds anytime you want. Earn Fun points while making deposits and
withdrawals too. A necessary (and cute) object for any thrifty Sim!
Enabled for use on all residential lots.
None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Want More?: If you enjoy this but want a
more classic "safe" look, try our "Home Safe"
in TS2 Guest
Objects, page 1 at the time of this writing.
TS1 Note: For original Sims objects that generate
interest, try our Certificates
of Deposits & Loan Certificates. |
Bob Newbie Memorial Basketball Court

Bigger pics: pic#1 | pic#2 | pic#3 |
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Hobbies -> Recreation
Body; Fun
Earn Body
points while playing a rather unique form of basketball on
this memorial court of a TS1... favorite? View the plaque to pay
your respects (... or disrespects). Enjoy!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
The Sims
2 FreeTime expansion pack.
The Badgenator

Bigger pics: pic#1 | pic#2 |
Coding By:
& Wintermuteai1
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Hobbies -> Miscellaneous
Get any Talent Badge!
Use this
to obtain or change any Talent Badges to anything you want, including
the newer Pottery & Sewing Badges in the FreeTime expansion
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
None - Made to work with any version of The Sims 2 game. However depending
upon which expansion packs you have (OFB, Seasons, FT, etc.), depends
upon which badges are available to you.
"Blow Me Away" Windmill!

Bigger pic: pic#1 |
Made By: Simslice
Buy Mode Price: §111
Buy Mode Category: Decorative ->
Statistics: Rid yourself of intruders
& guests!
Description: Are you
bitter, alone... and wish to stay that way? Tired of those pesky
joggers treading up your sidewalk? Or friendly neighbors just stopping
by to say hi? The nerve of them! Now you can keep all those bleeding-heart
visitors off of your nice clean lawn forever with BitterMan Corp.'s
"Blow Me Away" Windmill! Just plop this contraption anywhere
in your front yard, and watch as it literally blows those passer-by's
back where they came from. Great for getting rid of burglars
too. BitterMan Corp. apologizes that this unit is non-lethal.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Note: For more objects that get rid of people,
try our TS2
"No Burglars Allowed" Sign, TS1
"No Thieves Allowed" Sign and the TS1
Tragic Clown Alarm. |
The "Bolt Of Lightning" Rod!

Bigger pics: pic#1 | pic#2 |
Coding By:
Graphics By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Decorative ->
Environment 2
Acts just
like a regular lightning rod.... in fact, a bit too well. You can
even use it to strike any Sim or Pet on the lot with lightning.
It's non-lethal... unless you indulge too much...
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
The Sims
2 Seasons expansion pack.
If you like more weather-related objects, try our Seasons Stabilizer and Tempatron further on in this
section, or our TS2 Weather
Machine and TS1
Weather Machine. Or use our keyword Search
Page. |
The Klingon Fighting Game!

Made By:
Warrior's Bat'leth Price:
Sword of Kahless Price:
Fun 5; Energy 5; Comfort
5; Hunger 10
The Bat'leth
("sword of honor") was first depicted in the Star Trek
the Next Generation television series. The Sword of Kahless was
owned by Kahless the Unforgettable, the first Klingon Emporer -
this Bat'leth is an historic relic as it was the first of it's kind
made. Display these blades proudly in your home, and call upon the
power of the warrior to start a fight with any Sim you choose on
the lot, anytime you want. But not in a bad way... in a Klingon way! (...which is still kinda bad...). Swing your Bat'leths at each
other and your Sims will actually increase relationship points
after a fight. Fights however are non-lethal. The more you fight,
the more "trophies" you will earn. Trophies increase
Body and Fitness points, and various mood levels to help keep
your Sim warrior in the fighting Klingon spirit day and night. What
are the trophies? Well, there's only one way to find out (remember
we're talking about Klingons). ;) These Bat'leths will also increase
in monetary value each and every time you engage in honorable
combat and have a fight that is worthy of song! Qapla'!
Eight (8) game files in all. Enabled for use at-home
and on all away-from-home lots.
None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Decorative ->
Social 8; Fun 4; Environment
the volleyball "friend" inspired from the movie Castaway starring Tom Hanks (circa 2000), is now available to befriend your
Sims! Talk to him for Social points and play with him for Fun points.
Other interactions also available. Wilson is an especially great
buddy to have around when no one else is available. New: Try
our "Lonely Boot Buddy" - same object, just cloned
from Wilson by Wintermuteai1 to provide a washed-ashore boot-look
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
If you want to see similar (but different) objects
that you can "talk" to and earn Social points, try our Family Cup Buddy, any of our "Cycle of Life"
animals or our fully-functional R2D2 droid. All can be
found on subsequent pages in this section.... or you can find them
via our keyword Search
Page. For a Wilson-inspired Sim Skin for your Toddler,
also check out Guabaman's
© 20th Century Fox. Any other likeness, product, or company
references are trademarks of their respective owners or licensors.
Celebrity Fan Zone Cones!

Bigger pic: pic#1 |
Made By:
§10 each
Social 10; Fun 1; Environment
Make any Sim a Superstar! Use these cones to block off the hoards
of adoring fans at a safe distance, so your oh so important Sim
won't be disturbed by their cheerful praises. Click on a cone to
set it to your Sim, and fans will start to flock! Each cone can
ward off two blubbering fans, so use as many cones as you want.
Your celebrity Sim's Social points will skyrocket whenever
fans are around. At anytime, you can Un-set the cones and your Sim
will be returned to their normal, low-key lifestyle. You can Set/Un-Set
multiple cones at once too. Dozens of animations and six different
color options included. Click "Bigger pic" above for a
larger image. Additional gameplay instructions in the readme file,
or click "Info" in the game. Enjoy! :)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
lots. Enjoy!
None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
"Protest Zone" Cones!

Bigger pic: pic#1 |
Made By:
§10 each
Social 5; Fun 1; Environment
This is
the opposite of our Fan Zone Cone. Like some politicians, why should
your important Sim be bothered by actually seeing protesters or
having to hear dissenting opinions? Now you too can set up your
own "Protest Zone" as far away from your Sim as you want.
Click on a cone to set it to your Sim, and then other disapproving
Sims will flock over to express their disapproval. Each cone can
hold back two protesters, so use as many cones as you want. Relationship
points will be unaffected. At anytime, unset the cones and your
Sim will be returned to their normal, non-infamous life. Additional
gameplay instructions in the readme file, or click "Info"
in the game. Have fun! :)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
lots. Enjoy!
None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Tragic Clown Dartboard!
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Hobbies -> Recreation
Fun 10; Mechanical; Body
Still annoyed
at that pesky clown for ruining your parties back in TS1 days and
costing you a fortune in Clown Catchers fees? Gain Fun points while
continuing to vent your frustration, and in some cases build up
your Mechanical and Body skills too. Throw darts or throw punches!
Fun surprises included. Enjoy!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
If you like similar objects, try our TS1 "Tragic
Clown Dartboard" for the original Sims game, TS2 "No
Strays Allowed" Sign or our TS2 Repoman's Gun further
on in this section. TS1 players can check out our TS1 Tragic
Clown Dartboard (in TS1 Miscellaneous Objects, pg. 7 or later)
or our TS1 Tragic
Clown Alarm (in TS1 Electronic Objects, pg. 4 or later). If
these objects shifted pages, as they do over time, then Contact
Us, or try our keyword Search
Page. |
In-Game Price:
Category: Decorative
Statistics: Fun 1
Basically just a decorative pair of handcuffs to adorn your residence, jail cell... or bedroom. Two pairs available: one can be hung on any wall, even with objects under or over it; the other can be placed on any surface (or floor). Sims can "View" them and have a variety of reactions (up to 15 possible), depending upon theirAge and Nice points.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-homelots.
Requirements: The Sims 2.
Self Improvement Guide!
Made By:
Price: §5000
Category: Hobbies -> Books
Statistics: Fun 3
Description: Give your
personality a make-over! Simliar to skill-building books, this Guide
will help you increase your Personality points....if you study hard
enough. Choose any personality trait you wish to work on: Outgoing,
Active, Playful, Neat or Nice.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
lots. Special thanks to Sarah G., who got "idea credit"
when she requested
this object be made.
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2. If you have the later
expansions BV or FT installed, this might not work but an update
is underway.
Runaway Boots!
Made By:
Price: §25
Category: Miscellaneous
Statistics: Fun 2; Hygiene -1
Description: A fun object
for the player, and a handy tool too. Choose either walk-mode or
run-mode for one Sim... or for ALL Sims on the lot at once!
Watch and laugh as all your guests frantically run around doing
their little deeds, or use these boots to slow down any Sim that
the game sometimes sticks in that manic running state that we've
all probably seen. You can also take a wiff of these boots for Fun
points... if you dare...
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
lots. Enjoy!
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Newspaper Dispenser!
In-Game Price:
Hobbies --> Knowledge
Fun 4; Environment 1
We see 'em
everywhere but what are these things called anyway? Newspaper box?
Newspaper Vending Machine? Well, whatever ya call 'em, no community
is complete without 'em. Now you can buy a newspaper anytime you
want. Articles, crosswords, etc. it has it all! Unlike regular newspapers,
there is no limit to how many you can have and they do not expire
ever. Papers cost §2 each on away-from-home lots... but on
your residential lot you can earn §2 profit from each
visitor that buys a paper (and you pay nothing). The available jobs
listed in the Want Ads vary from paper to paper... even during the
same day! A special "clean up" option is incluced to conveniently
(and instantly) recycle any discarded papers. Any surprises? Ohhhh
yah yah you betcha... (said in your best Fargo
Five (5) different color options included (blue, red,
yellow, orange/green, and dirty). Enabled for use at-home and on
all away-from-home lots.
None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Klingon Bat'leth Throwing Stations!

Bigger pics: pic#1
| pic#2
| pic#3
| pic#4 |
Made By:
Buy Mode Price: §374 each
Buy Mode Category: Hobbies -> Recreation
Statistics: Fun 4; Environment 1
Description: Test your
prowess with the blade for entertainment and prizes. Bat'leth throwing
is a competition of strength, accuracy, and agility. Just as with
Earth's Lumberjack version of this game, you can with a professionally
painted tree ring and a set of SuperFloaty Throwing Axes. Show your
respect for Klingon honor and tradition by boldly "stepping
up to the blade" today! Qapla'!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: The Sims
2 Bon Voyage expansion pack.
We have a plethera of other Star Trek related items
(objects, skins, etc.) for both TS1 and TS2... including a TS2 Bat'leth
fighting game. To find them, see the enclosed readme file for
links, Contact Us,
or try our Search Engine
using the keyword "trek". |
La-Z-Sim Vibrating Recliner!

Bigger pics: pic#1 | pic#2 | pic#3 | pic#4 |
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Comfort -> Recliners
Comfort 10; Fun 4; Energy
2; Body
The ultimate
leather recliner by La-Z-Sim is here! Never before have laziness
and exercise been so compiled into one super-relaxing chair. Turn
on the Vibration mode to gain Comfort, Energy and Fun points
while experiencing real vibration sounds & animations in this
"Cadillac of recliner chairs". Two vibration modes are
available with optional Heat mode for added Comfort and (for
Seasons ep users) a pleasant increase in temperature too. For those
too unmotivated to visit the treadmill, Sims can also Work Out by reclining back and forth to earn Body points! ;) All other
standard chair interactions also available ("Sit", "Nap",
etc.). Ten (10) different color options included. Enjoy!
Visitors and Children can use the chair too. Enabled
for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
For more chairs, try our Electric Chair (one of our only lethal objects) later on in this section (on page
12 at the time of this writing).... or you can find it via
our keyword Search Page.
TS1 players can also enjoy our Illuminated Furniture in our TS1 Seating Objects section. |
In-Game Price:
Hygiene -1
Have fun playing
this classic prank on your visitors and guests. Comes pre-lit
and buyable in Buy Mode. Extra reactions also coded in for fun.
But what's really inside the bag? There's one way to find out....
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Sims 2 Nightlife expansion pack
Plum Bob Crystal Routing Patch
In-Game Price:
Comfort 5; Energy -3;
Use any Movement options anytime!
Now your Sims can
move around the lot using any of the 7 main movement (routing)
options at anytime, including "Teleport Here" (even Toddlers can use it!) and "Sneak Here" which was reserved for the Burglar NPC. They can also get "Fly Here" and "Stalk Here" whether
they are a Vampire or not. And also use any of the more normal
ones too, like "Run Here", etc. All these options
work when you installed the file, so you don't even have to
"buy" this object from Buy Mode if you don't want
to. But you should REMOVE THIS FILE from your game BEFORE you
install any new expansions or official patches. A safety alert
is also in the object in case you forget. Additional details
in the readme file, and in the game by clicking "Info".
A quirky "Gaze" feature is also included, to
increase Comfort & Fun, but this euphoria is slightly draining
(in Energy). Hope you like! :)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots. Updated
June 12, 2007 to work with all versions of The Sims 2,
up to and including Seasons.
The Nightlife expansion pack. Instructions included.
Huge Psycho Head Doorman!

Bigger pics: pic#1 |
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Environment 2; Fun 2; Social
Tired of
having to stop what you're doing and run to the door to greet your
guests? Now, let the Huge Psycho Head Doorman do it for you! All
visitors who enter your lot will be greeted by this doorman, saving
your Sim time and effort. If you have the Pets expansion, you can
tell him to greet (or not greet) visiting animals too!
None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Ride-able Chopper "Fixer Uppers"!
Model, cloning & base texture by:
Additional coding & textures by:
In-Game Price:
§6006 each
Comfort 6; Energy 2;
Fun 6; Mechanical
Similar to our Harley
"Fixer-Uppers", now you can have your own custom chopper
and start restoring it today. This is a "rideable"
bike - ride it to work, Downtown, and more! Or pull out your
tools and increase your Mechanical skills while you work on
it and, if you're into riding, Fun points will increase as well.
True bikers can also have Fun admiring (or selling) spare parts.
Other fun surprises included too. Motorcycle comes in eleven
(11) different paint jobs. May the wind be at your back,
and the bugs be in your teeth! :D
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Nightlife expansion pack.
SimSimon "Rappelé Toujours" Painting!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §5000
Category: Decorative
Statistics: Fun 2; Environment
Description: Never worry about
Environment Scores again! Enjoy this picture of my wonderful
cat Simon (rest in peace) in your Sim's home. Much like our
original TS1 version, this painting is so attractive that Environment
Points for everyone on the lot will skyrocket... and stay maxed
out forever! (...or for as long as you keep the painting on
the lot). This version works great inside or outside.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 96
kb zipped
Sims "1" Note: This object is a tribute
- released on the one-year anniversary of Simon's death. For
more SimSimon-related downloads, and information about the real
Simon (Simslice's buddy), visit his page here: |
Family Cup Buddy
By: Homeslice
In-Game Price: §75
Category: Miscellaneous
Statistics: Fun 2; Social 2; "Move
In" any Sim instantly!
Description: Oo la la! The cup
buddy is back and larger than life! You can move any Sim in
your neighborhood into your home instantly! Move in Sims of
any age, including Toddlers. You can even move in NPCs too!
If they are not on the lot, the cup buddy will transport them
there and move them in immediately. If you are really lonely,
you can talk to your cup buddy for Social and Fun points. Since
this cup buddy is a social "creature", he may want
to go out on the town from time to time. What does that mean?....
hmmm.... ;)
Enabled for use at-home and on all residential lots.
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 85
kb zipped
Note: To move Sims OUT your family instantly,
try our "The Tattered Heart" Art download on
the next page... |
Crystal for TS2!

By: Homeslice
In-Game Price: §1776
Category: Decorative
Statistics: Environment 1; better
manage your Sim's relationships instantly!
Description: Basically this is
a fast and fun way to maintain high relationships with any Sim
you choose, as either lovers or as "just friends".
This new Love Crystal is a fun conglomeration of other objects
we made, and is based on the original TS1 Love Crystal but with
improved gameplay features. The heart-shaped purple crystal
will glow and radiate loving hearts & flowers all around
itself and your Sim. Your Sim can choose any Sim to become instant
lovers -- with relationship scores = 100. You pick the
Sim and then greet them while your relationship skyrockets (and
if the Sim is not on the lot, they will appear next to your
Sim). If you want to be "just friends" instead, that
is also an option (relationships also = 100) -- and it applies
to all genders and ages. Even NPCs! Plus you can invite any
Sim you want over to your house anytime you want, whether they
are working, sleeping or just plain grumpy. Enjoy! :)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: The Sims 2.
Sims "1" Note: Similar to our TS2 Love Crystal Candles for TS1. |
"The Tattered Heart" Art!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §120
Category: Decorative
Statistics: Environment 4; Move Sims
out of your family instantly
Description: Use this tattered broken
heart-art to express your true love-loss feelings for family members
and roomies. You can use this as a conduit to instantly move any
Sim out of your family (even Toddlers)! Evicted Sims will appear
in the Neighborhood Screen's Families Bin in case you want to
move them into another house, or you can delete them altogether.
Enabled for use at-home and on all residential lots. Updated:
Now works with the Pets expansion!
Requirements: The Sims
2 University expansion pack
Note: To move Sims INTO your family instantly,
try our Family Cup Buddy download on the previous page...
Sims "1" Tip: We made an "Evict-A-Roomie
Transporter " that does much the same thing, but with techy
pizzazz and flare! Visit our TS1
Electronic Objects section (currently on pg. 1) for details.
"No Burglars Allowed" Sign!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §138
Category: Decorative
Statistics: Fun 2; Wards off all
Description: Put this tacky sign
anywhere in your yard, and it will ward off any burglars. If a
thief enters your lot, it will remove him almost immediately.
No more need to risk losing your valued possessions or to rip
the police away from the local doughnut shop. :p Surprises included.
Click on "Info" in the game for more convenient information
too. Enjoy! :)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Sims "1" Tip: We made a "No Thieves
Allowed" Sign for the original Sims game, which comes with
some similar features, and some not-so-simliar ones, including an
NPC Bomber! Visit our TS1
Decorative Objects section (currently on pg. 1) for details.
Floating Pool Fountains
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §425
Category: Decorative (also in
Swimming Pools)
Statistics: Room 10; Make bubbles
in pool
Description: A variety of attractive
fountains that float on top of your swimming pool! Like other
fountains, you can soap them if you want to add bubbles to
your swimming pool too. Comes in seven different color options
(concrete, brown tile, rich gold, blood red, neon green, sky
blue, and navy blue). Enjoy! :)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
The Sims 2 University
Garden Sprinkler!
Made By:
Model By: Pixelmonk
In-Game Price: §55
Category: Plumbing (also in Garden
Statistics: Fun 5; Hygiene 5
Description: Who needs an expensive
Gardener anymore? Just put this sprinkler anywhere in your lawn
or garden, turn it on and it will water all your flower plants
for you. One sprinkler can spray enough water to take care of
ALL of your outdoor plants. Weeds? Not a problem anymore either!
This sprinkler can be commanded to instantly vaporize every
pesky weed on the lot, with fun & flashy special effects.
Sprinklers are fun for your Sims too! Sims can play in the spraying
water for Fun Points, or even improve their Hygiene by using
it in place of a shower. This is an outdoor appliance that no
garden should be without. The Garden Sprinkler comes in five
different color options too. Additional details in the enclosed
"readme" file. Happy green-thumbing!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
The Sims 2.
College Cheat Sheet!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §1500
Category: Hobbies
Statistics: Jump right to the end
of your Senior year and graduate quickly!
Description: Graduate college in
only three Sim days! Inspired by the old Cliff's Notes, this booklet
contains everything you need to know to instantly bump
your Sim up to the final semester of their Senior year... along
with a 4.0 GPA and (optional) skill adjustments. It will schedule
their last Final Exam for 3 days later, so how it goes from there
is up to you. Make sure they work well, and remember to socialize
and have some "college fun" while you still can....
and before you know it, you'll be a fresh new brainy graduate!
Then, just like real-life graduates, your Sim is ready to go out
into the real world and realize just how little they really know.
j/k :p Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
The Sims or The Sims 2 University is required for actual use;
however those without University can still download and use
this as a decorative item.
"Bella In The Flesh" Painting!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §1000
Category: Decorative
Statistics: Room 7; Summon the Bella
Goth character instantly!
Description: No, it's not that kind
of painting (...perv). Curious about the whereabouts of the elusive
Bella Goth (of TS1 fame)? Well now you can summon her instantly
onto your lot anytime you want! Have fun hanging out and getting
to know her, and where it goes from there is all up to you (two).
You can get serious and even move her into your home if you want,
but just don't expect too much of a permanent relationship with
her. See enclosed "readme" file for additional details,
and... have fun! :)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Note: If you like this painting, check out
the "Bella Goth Retreat" Cabin in our TS2
Houses section - it is an attractive lot that also comes with
a real, permantly living Bella Goth! |
Zencat the Omnipotent!
By: Simslice; Design
By: Mavain; Texture Adjusted By:
In-Game Price: §200
Category: Decorative
Statistics: Fun 4; Comfort 2; Room
1; Yoga; Lots of surprises and fun features!
Description: Free
Gift for all forum members - visit our Forums
Page for download!
Need advice, or a helping hand? Not sure which way to turn? "Consult
Zencat" and he will bring you tidings of great joy.... or uh,
.... something.... You may get a blessing, but be careful about
how playful cats can sometimes be. There are over fifty (50)
possible gifts and outcomes -- some good, some bad and some
just plain odd. You can also "Pay Tribute" to get certain
mood boosts (...unless Zencat is feeling a little too "catty"...).
Unlike our TS1 version, you can also "Meditate" -- take
on a yoga pose and freeze all of your mood bars (no decreases)
for as long as you stay in that blissful zen state of being. This
download is made to work in any version of The Sims 2 game. This
cat is a really fun addition, and I hope you enjoy it! :)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Sims "1" Tip: There is a version of Zencat
for the original Sims game, idol version available in Decorative
Objects section (currently pg3) and 6 live versions in our
Objects section (currently pg.3). |
Costume Trunk!
Bigger pics: SEE ALL |
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §555
Category: Miscellaneous
Statistics: Change the outfits
of one or everyone instantly! Click above to see 8
Costume Party preview screenshots!
Description: Dress
yourself, or all your guests, in an outfit of your choice instantly!
Get crazy at a Toga Party, or perhaps a fun Pajama Party. Try
even more "interesting" outfits such as Glowing Skeletons,
Burned Out looks, or enjoy an evening with your friends dressed
in your favorite furry animal costume. Over thirty-one (31)
different types of outfits are available. Plus, with a little
effort, you can make your own custom outfits too! Click
the pics above to see screenshots of just a few of the many options
available. There is more to this than meets the eye and I think
this is really going to add a new level of fun to your gameplay
experience... and best of all, it requires no expansion to use!
(although TS2 University users will have additional options available)
Have fun! :)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
lots. Trunk was made to match the "Werkbunnst Stonewood Dresser"
in the game.
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Cloning Mirrors! (beta)
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §375
Category: Decorative
Statistics: Social 10; Room 2; Charisma
Description: Too many
chores to do? Have no friends? What better company could there be
for you than.... you! Clone yourself as many times as necessary!
Feeling silly? Clone any family member too! Amusing sounds and animations
occur during the cloning process. Clones offer many benefits
too. For one, you can just stay at home and relax while your
clones go to work for you! Clones can do household chores and can
be good for social relationships too -- after all, it's not bigamy
if all your wives are... well, your wife (...uh, is it?...) These
clones share the same traits as the Sim they were cloned from, and
you can keep clones around as long as you want, or delete them whenever
you want to. It's all up to you (and you). Mirrors come with all
the standard mirror interactions too (i.e. Practice Speech, Change
Appearance, etc.).
Additional details about this beta release are in
the enclosed "readme" file so please read them. It has
been extensively tested and no major issues were noted but it is
still beta so use at your own risk and responsibility. This is silly
and fun to use, and it adds much more dimension to the game... albeit
in a pretty bizarre way. I really had a blast working with this,
and I hope you enjoy it in your game too!
Cloning Mirror come in six different color options:
Black, White, Purple, Blue, Red and Chrome. Enabled for use at-home
and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Sims "1" Tip: This was inspired by our
"Cloning Mirror" for the original Sims (TS1) game, which
can downloaded from our TS1
Incentive Pack #4 page. |
Happy Fun Pay Toilet!
In-Game Price:
Bladder 10; Comfort 10
Oh joy!
Tired of your guests clogging up your bathrooms? Well now you can
get the privacy you need and make a few bucks too, by including
these toilet stalls in your guest bathroom. Your friends may think
you're the pits, but you'll be dancing your way to the bank as you
make 2 Simoleans for each guest that uses one of these toilets.
Weeee fun! (no pun intended)... For your guests (in)convenience,
the price for... uh, #1 and #2 are the same. You are a very
generous Sim after all. Family members of course always "pee
for free". Any extra "easter eggs" included? Nah,
of course not.... really I mean it.... (maybe)....
Best of all, you do not need the Open for Business
expansion pack! Toilet Stall has realistic black texture (not that
ugly green... ew). Toilets come in the six different color
options: White porcelain, Cream marble, Black marble, Blue, Grey
and Chrome. Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Sims "1" Tip: This was inspired by our
"Pay Toilet Pack - for Guests" for the original Sims (TS1)
game: a stall and a porta potty which can downloaded from our TS1
Bathroom Objects section. |
"The Curiosity"
Coded By: Simslice
Mesh/Texture By: Mavain
In-Game Price: §5,000
Category: Decorative
Statistics: Fun 3; Room 10; Comfort
-1; Energy -1; brand new mesh/texture
Description: Is it a
"Proletariat" art piece fashioned from bits of scrap-metal
and cement? Or is it an undiscovered sculpture from a world-renowned
master? Either way, it's art with attitude! And it's a great new
way for your Sims to gain Fun points by fiddling around and resculpting
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Love Candles!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §1,969
Category: Decorative
Statistics: Social 2; Room 1; Create
new Love/Crush Relationships and max them at 100!
Description: Lonely,
and looking for companionship? Summon a new Lover instantly! The
Love Relationship score will be maxed out to 100 when they arrive
to kiss you. Patterned after our original Love Crystals. Summon
as many new Lovers as you want. Candles are well-used but crystalized
and won't melt away. Sure, that makes sense, right? :p It is great
to use getting quick job promotions, or to increase waining relationships
with lovers and friends. Just don't let others' jealousy get the
better of your Sim! (actually, a room full of 100 score Lovers
can be quite entertaining) ;) Unlike cheats, this object
has fun animations and sounds that should make it fun to use too.
There are several useful options. Choose to summon a peer of the
same gender, opposite gender, or any gender... or choose "free
for all" which means any Sim of any age. Lastly, it comes
in 7 different color options.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
TS2 Note: See our "Friendship
Candles" below for friendship-only options. For more convenient
relationship maintenance, check out our TS2 Love Crystal
also posted in this section (previous pages).
TS1 Note: Check out our original Love Crystals
for the TS1 game in Decorative
Objects (currently pg 1). |
Friendship Candles!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §1,969
Category: Decorative
Statistics: Social 2; Room 1; Max
out relationships to 100!
Description: Oh,
this is fun! Similar to our TS1 Love Crystal, you can burn these
candles in memory of dear friends, or use them to summon a random
new friend instantly! And both Friendship scores will max out
to 100 after summoning! Make as many new friends as you want!
Great suprises, and a great way to quickly move your way up
the corporate ladder. There are several options. Choose to summon
a peer of the same gender, opposite gender, or any gender...
or "free for all" which means any Sim of any age
or gender. Unlike cheats, this has fun animations and sounds
that should make it fun to use too. Perfect for those lonely
bachelor types who can't get away from the TV, or for those
Sims that always wanted to get to know the female Fire Fighter
a little better... because yep, it can summon NPCs too. Lastly,
it comes in 7 different color options. This was a lot of fun
to make and test and I hope you enjoy it too. :)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Secret Society Handbook!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §50
Category: Hobbies
Statistics: Join the Secret Society
and hidden lot anytime.
Description: Read this
book and learn all the hidden secrets about the elusive "Secret
Society".... found in Universities everywhere. Once you've
snooped into their secrets, don't be surprised if they abduct and
initiate you into their group. You can use the book to revisit the
hidden Secret Society lot anytime. If your Sim is already a Society
member, not enrolled in college or if you don't have the University
expansion pack, then this will just be a mysterious but interesting
book for your Sim to read for Fun, or to study their Cleaning skills.
You can also change the color of the book in the game just by clicking
on it (five different options available).
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2, however the University
expansion pack is recommended for best gameplay. If you have the
later expansions BV or FT installed, this might not work but an
update is underway.
The Simolean Flusher!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §50
Category: Plumbing
Statistics: Bladder 10; Fun 1
Description: Typed in
"kaching" one too many times? Tired of living in wealth
and easy luxury? Now you can send that "dough down da drain"!
Flush §10, §100, §1000 or even §10,000... or
just use it as a regular toilet... it's all up to you. Guests can't
flush simoleans, but they can use it as a regular toilet as well.
Sims can "Throw Up" on command and even grown-ups can
"Play" in the water... if they are so inclined to that
is (ew). Any fun surprises included? Well.... I just couldn't resist....
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
The Sims 2.
Sims "1" Tip: This was inspired by our
"Money Flusher" and "MagiCoin Flusher" for the
original Sims (TS1) game; separate objects which can downloaded
from our TS1
Bathroom Objects section. |
Daily Aspirations!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §7,070
Category: Decorative
Statistics: Get Aspiration Points
and Aspiration Rewards, plus a lil' bit of wisdom to boot! Fun
1; Room 7; Comfort -1
Description: Read a new
"Homey-ism" from the list and get healthful benefits from
it's (arguable) wisdom -- in the form of Aspiration Points. Aspiration
Points rack up quickly and can get you those Aspiration Rewards
in no time. Legend has it that there is no question or problem in
life that cannot be answered within these 15 insights... if you
look hard enough.... or do enough shots... what do I know... ;)
See readme file for more details. Can be used by Teens, Adults or
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
lots. Updated November 2006: Now works with the Pets expansion!
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 113
kb zipped
Sims "1" Tip: For "original Sims"
objects that behave similarly, check out our Daily Aspirations object
for TS1 in
our Decorative Objects section |
Private School Admittance Test
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §2
Category: Miscellaneous
Statistics: Transfer child or teen
to Private School
Description: Tired of
the boorish, gun-toting riff-raff in your Public School? Do you
know for a fact that Montana is not a country? Well, now you have
a fast solution! Any child or teen can pass this test, so don't
worry. Just complete the test (it's not easy and it might take a
couple of frustrating hours) but your admittance into Private School
will be assured. Best of all, this leather-bound folder & admission
only costs §1.
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 166
kb zipped |
Public School Enrollment Forms
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §2
Category: Miscellaneous
Statistics: Transfer child or teen
to Public School
Description: Tired of
drinking with your pinky finger up in the air? Not sure where the
U.S.A. is on a map? Well, public education is just right for you!
This test is so easy, any child or teen can pass it. Just complete
the test (it is a short, multiple choice exam) and your enrollment
into your local Public School will be immeedeeit.
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 143
kb zipped |
Pension Increase Forms!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §50 each
Category: Miscellaneous
Statistics: Retired Sims can increase
their pensions...
Description: Tired of
living on that fixed income? Now Elder retirees who keep their minds
active can increase their pension by simply mailing these forms.
They are already completed to save you time and effort. The higher
the Logic score of the Elder retiree, the higher their pension can
be. So make sure you work on those Logic points before mailing them
out. Running out of time? Forms can be re-mailed as often as needed
so feel free to use them, then work on your Logic some more, and
mail them again for higher pension increases. Pension currently
cannot exceed §6,000 but low-logic Sims might get a lower pension
if they're not careful... so be alert and stay smart. :)
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 21
kb zipped |
Tree of Life!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §10,000
Category: Gardening (Trees)
Statistics: Stops the aging process!
Description: For those
that want more control to play their same Sim family for an extended
period of time. Plop this tree on your lot and your family will
never experience their next Age Transition. Kids will be
kids forever, and parents need never grow old and die. Keep your
entire family "ageless" for as long as you want -- just
like in the original Sims! Named the "Tree of Life",
this object is similar to the one described in Genesis. If you
want to resume aging normally again, no problem! Simply delete
the Tree from your lot. Visiting guests are not affected.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 174
kb zipped
NOTE: If you have the Pets expansion pack, try
our Bush of Life (separate download) to keep your pets
ageless for as long as you want. The Bush of Life is in this section
on page 6 at
the time of this writing:
Note: Objects shift to latter pages over time, so if you
don't find it there, try the next page. Or try searching by keyword
via our Search
Engine. |
Interesting Painting!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §2004
Category: Decorative
Statistics: Max all Interests!
Description: An interesting
painting. A reeeeeally interesting painting. This colorful oil painting
is so interesting, that when viewed it will max out all 18 Interest
points! Now when you blather on with knowledgeable Sims about art
or other topics of interest, you will appear interesting too! But
only you need know the real truth *snicker*
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
lots. Updated: Now works with the Pets expansion!
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 222
kb zipped |
Community Beds!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §3001 each
Category: Seating (Beds)
Statistics: Comfort 7; Energy 6;
Room 5
Description: Up to
forty-four (44) visitor-enabled beds. Use at home for yourself
or your guests to sleep in... or use it to spend the night
on Community Lots or other away-from-home locations. The "Sleep"
option was adjusted so that it can be used anytime, not just when
Energy levels are lower. Sims can also sleep in the buff anytime
they want. Also just for fun, any Sim will be able to "Tuck
In" any other Sim regardless of age. Updated April 2006
to be completely forward and backward compatible for those that
had issues after installing OFB, and 33 additional color options
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 1.57
mb zipped |
"Jobs of Plenty"
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §500
Category: Decorative
Statistics: Instant job promotion to
the highest career position!
Description: Well, this
strange, but extra-special "Horn of Plenty" knock-off
is truly a "virtual cornucopia", but not of food... of
jobs! "Employed" Sims can use this horn's abundant power
to climb to the top of their particular corporate ladder... in
an instant! Click on it, and get immediately promoted to the
top job in your career track! But hey hey now -- your Sims still
need to "work" unfortunately, or they could lose that
cushy undeserved position... so keep those skill objects handy.
Hmmmm... some Sims thought that excessive over-use MIGHT cause an
extra energy buildup... if you choose to believe those lazy sods
that is... but be cautious just in case... ;)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
lots. Updated to work with the Pets (and future) expansions.
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 187
kb zipped |