Toddler Dance Party Stereo!

Bigger pics: pic#1
| pic#2 | Made By: Simslice
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category: Electronics ->
Statistics: Fun 10; Social 10; Energy
10; Hygiene 10; Bladder 10
Description: Why should
grown-ups have all the fun? Well for those mired in baby mode, now
you can raise the roof... and fill those diaper genies with the
Toddler Dance Party Stereo! Use this animated dancing baby stereo
to summon up to 10 Toddlers to your lot instantly, depending on
how many are in your 'hood, and watch as they dance the day away!
Their physiological needs (Hunger, Bladder, etc.) are kept high
so they can enjoy dancing longer, all while earning Fun & Social
points too. Your stay-at-home Toddlers can also dance on their own
anytime. Even grown-ups might join in the fun from time to time.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
The Sims 2
Seasons Stabilizer!

Bigger pics: pic#1 | pic#2 |
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Electronics ->
TV and Computer
Fun !
Ideal for
players who installed the Seasons expansion pack but don't want
to experience the full array of weather on a continuous basis. Permanently keep your game at any Season, or simply prolong your season
(for any amount of days you need)... or change your season
to any other season you want (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) instantly! You have full control. The radar scope rotates continuously
for added effect. This gizmo has unlimited uses, so you can
change your climate as often as you want... even during a power
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
The Sims
2 Seasons
The Tempatron!

Bigger pics: pic#1 |
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Electronics ->
TV and Computer
Fun 2
Alter your
Sim's temperature, or all Sim's temperatures on the lot, right to
your liking at just the click of a button. You can use the device
as often as you need to raise/lower their temperature to virtually
any number you prefer. This device can also prevent your Sim's from
ever freezing or overheating (or cause them to do so... if that's
your preference). ;)
Additional details in the enclosed "readme"
file. Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
The Sims
2 Seasons
Penguin Summoner!

Bigger pics: pic#1 | pic#2 | pic#3 |
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Electronics ->
Fun 4; Have a Penguin Party!
Use this
electro-penguin-esque device to interact with lovable penguins anytime
you want. You can also feed your penguin guests (and your Sims)
by materializing any type of fresh fish instantly. Keep your penguins
well fed and entertained and they will stick around longer. And
when you're ready to call it a night, you can de-materialize leftover
fish and send all the penguins away with one click. Additional features and suprises included too. Enjoy!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
The Sims
2 Seasons expansion pack.
If you like other animals, try our "Cycle
of Life" series with lots of animals that live, breed, eat,
etc. -- they're on page 5 in this section at the time of this writing
(but may shift to latter pages over time). TS1 (original Sims) players
can also enjoy many other COL animals in our TS1
Miscellaneous Objects section (currently page 2) or try the
first "living" animal in Sims history, Mabel
the Chicken, in our Freebies section. If these objects shifted pages, as they do over time, then Contact Us, or
try our keyword Search
Page. |
Electro-Booster Deluxe!
Made By:
Buy Mode Category:
The Ultimate Mood/Aspiration
Adjuster for all Sims (and pets, if any)!
The ultimate
mood/aspiration adjuster! This next generation of complex thingamabobs
will automatically max any mood and/or aspiration level for All
Sims (or pets) on the lot... forever! Never worry about motive
levels again! Unlike our original Electro-booster models, this time YOU choose which moods are adjusted. You can choose only
certain moods to stay maxed out at all times, or choose to have
them ALL stay maxed out. Or choose none of them. Choose to forgo
the Aspiration Level boost... or not. It's all up to you! You can
re-adjust your settings to your liking at anytime via a convenient
control panel from inside the game. If you have the Pets expansion
pack (not required), it will adjust moods on animals too.
If you ever want to stop the electro-boosts and return routine mood/aspiration
decrements back to normal, simply delete this unit from your Sim's
wall. This is not a patch so there are no potential conflicts with
any other patches you might have, if any. Have fun!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
NOTE: Check out our prior versions: Electro-Booster
8 and Electro-Booster 4 posted on latter pages in this section.. |
Electro-Drainer Deluxe!

Made By:
Buy Mode Category:
Practical, ultimate mood
of boosting moods, this will lower mood levels for everyone on the
lot to -8... and keep them lowered for as long as you want! Great
fun at parties! Be the talk of the town! ;) But the best part is
that you can choose which moods to reduce, how often they get
automatically lowered, and whether family members/employees will
be affected or not. This feature has many practical applications,
for example if you run a restaurant (OFB) and you want all your
customers to get really hungry at certain times -- select only Hunger
to deplete and your customers will come running for food at your
designated time! You can also set it to drain everyone's Energy
late at night to encourage visitors to leave timely. Or have devilish
fun draining everyone's Bladder points at the same time. You can
view and/or adjust these settings at anytime. If you ever want to
stop the electro-drains and return things back to normal, simply
delete this unit from your wall, or just set all settings to 0.
Have fun!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Captain Hero's Phone Booth!

Bigger pics: pic#1| pic#2| pic#3| pic#4| pic#5 |
Made By:
Buy Mode Price:
Buy Mode Category:
Fun 5; Energy 5
A phone
booth for any adult Sim to change from their mild-mannered "by
day" identities into the dynamic Captain Hero alter-ego! If
your body is strong and your wits sharp, the city might even offer
you the Captain Hero job for real! It's up to you to accept it or
not. Otherwise you can run around in your superhero jammies pretending.
Phone booth also works as a regular phone, on all lots. Several
fun surprises included too. Enjoy!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
TS1 Players: If you like this, check out our TS1 Captain
Hero's Phone Booth, in TS1 Electronic Objects! If this object
shifted pages, try the next page, Contact
Us, or try our keyword Search
Page. |
Mini-Nuclear Reactor
Coding By:
Reactor Model/Texture By:
In-Game Price:
Energy 10++; Fun 3; Hygiene
-3; Mechanical
Never worry
about Energy levels again. This is not simply a cheat, it is fun
and practical too. Use the quiet, clean energy from this small nuclear
reactor to increase Energy points for all Sims on the lot... and
keep them at that level always. Two settings available - "Half
Power" keeps Sim Energy levels from dropping below 50%, or
"Full Power" keeps their Energy levels maxed out. You
can power it down at anytime if you don't want Sim Energy levels
effected. Sims can also work on the reactor core to earn Mechanical
points. Loads of fun surprises included too! :)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Sims "1" Tip: If you play the original
Sims game (TS1) check out our Mini-Nuclear
Power Plant too. |
"Ol' Clunker" Air Conditioner!
Coded By:
Graphics By:
Buy Mode Category:
Continuous Comfort 0%,
50% or 100%
A TS2 version
of a TS1 favorite of ours. This surplus World War II Industrial
sized unit is so powerful, it will increase comfort levels of anyone
using it - inside or outside. It's old but reliable. Its rickety
fan blade barely turns. But it was built to last and it will never
die on you. It's obsolete technology has been enhanced with somewhat-compatible
modern technology. So it will always keep everyone cool. And it
will never break.
Comes with "High", "Low" and
"Off" settings. If you have the Pets expansion pack,
it will also cool off your lil' furry ones too. Enabled for use
at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
none - The Open For Business expansion might be a requirement
(we are still investigating), but if not then there are no requirements.
TS1: If you play the original Sims game, check
out our TS1 Ol' Clunker A/C "Deluxe" version in TS1
Electronic Objects (on page 3 at the time of this writing). |
TS2 Weather Machine!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §10,000
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Finally have a simulated
weather climate in your game!
Pictures: Click
here to see screenshots!
Climate control reaches a new level.
This TS2 version has many unique weather patterns: Snow,
Rain, Autumn (Fall leaves), Pizza Showers (couldn't resist).
Make it rain cats & dogs... literally! Watch out Acid Rain! Also included
a "Rain Sims" feature: Choose gender and
age, cause a variety of random Sim visitors to fall from
the sky and splat down face-first onto your lawn... to say hi.
Most importantly, this has the Auto-Seasons feature!
With Auto-Seasons "On", you get a daily weather report
and experience consistent weather conditions automatically, just like real weather! Turn Auto-Seasons
"Off" to terminate your climate at anytime. Optionally, operate the machine manually to produce weather anytime
you choose. Enjoy snowball fights with your friends, playing
in autumn leaves, splashing around in the rain, or if you're
in a silly (and hungry) mood, let it rain Pizza slices!
With the Pets expansion pack, make it rain
cats & dogs... for real! All weather only happens outside, so keep that umbrella closed indoors. Various accumulation
appears on the ground, all of which can be interacted with...
such as leaf piles, food, puddles, snow, acid rain, and much
more... wildly fun surprises await. Cleanup is easy - just click a button to stop all showers or remove
all debris from the ground instantly. 28 files total!
Enjoy this simulated weather experience in your TS2 game. :) Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Acid Rain Daring Sims can splash around
in acid puddles for + Fun, but for Hygiene may suffer. Chemicals could be harmful to clothing... or have other
(non-lethal) consequences... ;). With Seasons expansion
pack gain access to all the Weathernaught 57X Seasons Expansion
weather. Such as, the elusive
Reign of Fire. Summon safely anytime without risk of injury or loss of property. Recharge the Weathernaught using this Weather Machine...
so instead of only a measly 5 uses, the Weathernaught can now last you forever!
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
If you like Rain, try 4 different kinds via
our TS2 "Rain
Maker" Obelisk. Or if you play the original Sims game
(TS1) check out our well-received TS1
Deluxe Weather Seasons Package -- that Weather Machine has
nine (9) different types of weather and a simulated climate
system too! |
Functional Air Conditioner
In-Game Price:
Environment 4; Comfort
10++ (max out Comfort forever!)
Never worry
about Comfort levels again! Cool yourselves off with this state-of-the-art
Air Conditioner in your room! Just put it in any room, and Comfort
levels of all Sims who enter will be increased to maximum... and
stay at maximum for as long as they stay in the room. Put an A/C
in every room, and you never need to lose Comfort points again!
This unit even works outside! Comes in seven different color options
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
lots. A no-requirement version is coming soon!
The Sims
2 University expansion pack.
Repo Man Alarm!

Bigger pics: pic#1 | pic#2 |
Made By: Simslice
Buy Mode Price: §40
Buy Mode Category: Electronics ->
Statistics: Remove Repo Men & Bills
Description: Never
worry about paying your bills again. Just ignore 'em. Meh. If
that pesky Repo Man tries to enter your property, this alarm will
blast him and is van of "collectables" all the way back
to his dingy little office behind that barbed wire fence. Your bills
will be blown back with him too -- the only trophies he'll ever
get from you again! Now you can continue to be a drain on society
but this time with a big smile on your face... if you can stand
to look at yourself in the mirror that is.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
If you like similar objects, try our TS2 Social
Bunny Alarm & Social Worker Alarm on this page, TS2
"No Burglars Allowed" Sign, TS2 "No Strays
Allowed" Sign or our TS2 Repoman's Gun further on
in this section. TS1 players can check out our TS1 Tragic
Clown Alarm (on pg. 4 or later) or TS1 "No
Thieves Allowed" Sign (on pg. 1 or later). If these objects
shifted pages, as they do over time, then Contact
Us, or try our keyword Search
Page. |
Social Bunny Alarm!

Bigger pics: pic#1
| pic#2 |
Made By: Simslice
Buy Mode Price: §40
Buy Mode Category: Electronics ->
Statistics: Remove unwanted Social
Bunnies fast!
Description: It's Wabbit
Season! Tired of those annoying Social Bunnies interfering with
your mysery and woe? Now you can be rid of them forever with the
Social Bunny Alarm! Whenever one of the Social Bunnies makes an
unwelcome appearance, this alarm will promply alert you to their
presense... and "hasten their departure"! The bunnies
don't like this alarm and will react negatively to it (in a funny
way) just before they exit stage left. Enjoy!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
If you like the NPC removal objects, try our TS2
Social Worker Alarm & Repo Man Alarm on this page,
or our TS2 "No Burglars Allowed" Sign and TS2 "No
Strays Allowed" Sign further on in this section. TS1 players
can check out our TS1 Tragic
Clown Alarm (on pg. 4 or later) or TS1 "No
Thieves Allowed" Sign (on pg. 1 or later). If these objects
shifted pages, as they do over time, then Contact
Us, or try our keyword Search
Page. |
Social Worker Alarm!

Bigger pics: See "Repo Man Alarm" (left) |
Made By: Simslice
Buy Mode Price: §40
Buy Mode Category: Electronics ->
Statistics: Remove Social Workers fast!
Description: Never
worry about the Social Worker stealing your malnourished children
again! If she tries to enter your property, this alarm will blast
her and her van of broken hearts all the way back to SimCity. Any
kids on the lot will receive an appropriate mood boost to keep them
alive and healthy. Now you can go back to ignoring your family if
you wish, BUT take heed and remember the wise old saying, "be
good to your kids... they'll choose your nursing home." ;)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
If you like similar objects, try our TS2 Social
Bunny Alarm & Repo Man Alarm on this page, TS2
"No Burglars Allowed" Sign, TS2 "No Strays
Allowed" Sign or our TS2 Repoman's Gun further on
in this section. TS1 players can check out our TS1 Tragic
Clown Alarm (on pg. 4 or later) or TS1 "No
Thieves Allowed" Sign (on pg. 1 or later). If these objects
shifted pages, as they do over time, then Contact
Us, or try our keyword Search
Page. |
Harley "Fixer Uppers"!

#1 |
Pic #2 |
Pic #3 |
Pic #4 |
Object Coded By:
Models by: mickyss
Cloning & Model Importing by:
In-Game Price: §2006
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 6; Mechanical
Description: Bikers and gear-heads
rejoice! Now you can have your own Harley-Davidson motorcycle
and start restoring it today. Increase your Mechanical skills
while you work and, if you're into riding, Fun points will increase
as well. True bikers can also have Fun admiring (or selling)
spare parts. Other fun surprises included too. Motorcycle comes
in a variety of different paint jobs (separetely). Click pic
links above to see more. Don't slip on the oil! :D
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Sims "1" Note: We also have some Harley
Fixer Uppers for the original Sims game posted in our Miscellaneous
Objects section (pg. 3), plus a wide variety of biker gear
here, including the only truely drive-able vehicles
available anywhere for The Sims. |
Object By:
Model By: xanathon
In-Game Price: §1977
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 5; Social 5
Description: Inspired
by the original Star Wars movies, now you can have this fun little
droid in your very own game. This is not a "sculpture"
-- this robot is fully functional, with flashing lights and beeping
sounds very similar to the "real" R2D2. You can make him
run around the lot and watch him roll for Fun points. Sims can even
have an engaging conversation with him and rack up those
Social and Fun points -- we may not understand what the Sim and
droid are talking about, but then again..... we never did. ;)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2
Star Wars © Lucasfilm. Any other likeness, product, or company references
are trademarks of their respective owners or licensors. |

In-Game Price: §125
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Comfort 5; Energy -3;
Change Wants & Fears instantly!
Description: Stuck with crummy Wants
& Fears? Gaze into this mystical hypno-wheel and let it wash
away aaaaall your mental worries. Not only can it change
all Wants & Fears for you, but it can be a Comforting
(and draining) experience too. This hypnotic device is safe for
use by Sims, so use it as often as you need. During use, the wheel
spins while mystical light rays and particles dance around your
Sim. Stray emissions are known to effect R.E.M. sleep in nearby
Sims so don't put one in your bedroom. ;) Also Sims of lesser
intelligence (Logic) would be wise not to gaze into it for excessively
long periods of time.... their fragile eggshell minds are overly
susceptible to it's emissions.... :p (details in the enclosed
"readme" file). Humorous reactions, fun animations and
effects (all non-lethal) should make this gizmo fun to play too.
Have fun! :)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Man's Gun!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §187
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 1; Fight any Sim
anytime, anywhere
Description: A decorative weapon,
repo'd from the elusive "Repo Man" himself! Display
this gun proudly in your home, and be entertained by watching
it's fluidic, moving parts.... but this rifle has more influence
than that -- you can use it to start a physical fight with any
Sim you choose on the lot, anytime you want. You can even fight
NPCs that visit your house. They will stop what they're doing
to brawl with you. Just ask Mortimer who kicked up a dust cloud
with the paperboy (and lost). You may not make many friends with
this, but at least you'll get some exercise. :p
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots. Updated:
Now works with the Pets expansion!
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 34
kb zipped |
Remote Control Spaceships!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §155 each
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 5
Description: A flashy new flying
toy with realistic UFO sounds! Fly this spaceship outside anytime,
day or night. Amuse your sleeping neighbors. Inspire your local
conspiracy theorists. Fun for everyone!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download Original (Blue) UFO:
kb zipped
Download Green UFO: 214
kb zipped
Download Grey UFO: 213
kb zipped
Download Yellow UFO: 212
kb zipped
Note: We also have a life-sized spaceship that
your Sims can beam inside and fly! Download is posted further
along in this Sims 2 Objects section. |
The Transmuter!
Made By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §24,084
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 3; Comfort -3;
Custom sculpt your Sim's age, aspirations, and much more...
Description: More brain-zapping
technology allows you alter more aspects of your Sim than ever
before. You can instantly change their age to anything from
Toddler to Elder... and in any order you want! For example,
spend your retirement being a Child. Be a Teenager forever!
You can also change their Lifetime Aspirations, Turn-Ons and
Turn-Offs (for Nightlife Users) anytime you want. You can even
change the name of your Sim if you want. Lastly, you can adjust
the Sim's Personality and Skill Points more precisely - you
choose exactly how many points you want for each specific trait.
The Transmuter is not only a cool Sim sculpting tool, but it's
lots of fun to use with even better special effects than our
other helmets, additional sounds and animations that will be
quite shocking (literally), but completely harmless. I also
think you'll like it's active smokey/sparky appearance when
it's sitting idle too. Best of all, there are no special requirements
for it's use. I hope you enjoy it!
This object is enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Electric Bod-Mod!
Made By:
In-Game Price: §357
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Room 10; Alter Fitness
Description: Use modern technology
to zap away those unwanted pounds instantly! This flat panel
machine will allow you to immediately adjust the Fitness Levels
of your Sim... or all Sims on the lot at once if you choose.
This works best on family members and is not as effective on
visiting guests. Body modification options include "Fit",
"Fat", and "Average". It is kind of funny
to see everyone react as their bellys suddenly roll out at once...
or to see their muscles bulge as they strut their stuff all
at the same time. Remember though, to maintain your new body
type you still have to work at it (...either on the treadmill...
or snarfing down those goodies in the kitchen...) The unit has
a battery power backup that will allow this techy computer doohickymabob
to do it's stuff 24/7, even if all the power is out in the house.
Happy sculpting! :)
This object is enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
lots. Updated: Now works with the Pets expansion!
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Home Shopping Phone
Bigger pics: pic#1
| pic#2
| pic#3
| pic#4
| pic#5
| pic#6 |
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §103
Category: Plumbing
Statistics: Buy Any Career
Reward, Aspiration Reward, secret objects, and also many
standard but "creatively acquired" items from Slater's
Black Market!
Description: Using this techy-looking
phone, you can purchase all the things that are not found
in Buy Mode. Sims can buy any Career Reward object,
Aspiration Reward object, private Club objects, hidden (secret)
objects, or any other item not available in
Buy Mode (including ALL your expansion pack extras,
such as a College Diploma, Genie Lamp, Mr. Humble's Computer,
etc.), instantly over the phone. Those Sims "in the know"
can also tap into Slater's Black Market and browse
through some of his other... uh, "creatively acquired"
wares at bargain basement prices (...but keep a wrench handy,
just in case). You can also use this as a regular phone too!
Lots of surprises were hacked into this one as well. I hope
you enjoy it!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2. The more expansions
you have, the more objects will be available via this phone.
Remote Control Helicopter!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §155
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 5
Description: This is fun one!
Using a remote control, you can fly this toy helicopter high
up and around your lot. This chopper will never out of juice
and is always primed and ready to fly. Loads of fun for the
family and for visiting guests too. Not recommended for indoor
use. Enjoy!
This little vehicle is enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
4 new Remote Control Helicopters!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §155 each
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 5
Description: This is fun one!
Just like our original toy helicopter, you can fly this high
up and around your lot via remote control. This chopper will
never out of juice and is always primed and ready to fly. Now
also comes in Stealth Black, Military Camouflage, Rich Gold
and Hot Pink too. It acutally is pretty fun to see all the different
colored helicopters flying around together. Hope you enjoy!
Each little vehicle is enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Note: We also have color-matched life-sized helicopters
that your Sims can climb inside and fly! Downloads can be found
further along this Sims 2 Objects section. |
Remote Control Boat!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §155
Category: Electronics (also in Swimming
Statistics: Fun 5
Description: Finally a fun pool
toy for your Sims! Play with this motorized boat while swimming,
or you can stand nearby and operate it from a drier distance.
Your visitors and guests can play with it too. The remote control
is waterproof and the batteries never need recharging. Boats also
come in a variety of new colors (see previous page). Enjoy!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2. I think Nightlife changed
the pool flags so pool toys (anywhere) might not work for Nightlife
users anymore and we are checking into that.
6 New Remote Control Boats!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §155 each
Category: Electronics (also
in Swimming Pools)
Statistics: Fun 5
Description: Finally a fun
pool toy for your Sims! Play with this motorized boat while
swimming, or you can stand nearby and operate it from a
drier distance. Your visitors and guests can play with it
too. The remote control is waterproof and the batteries
never need recharging. Enjoy!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2. I think Nightlife
changed the pool flags so pool toys (anywhere) might not work
for Nightlife users anymore and we are checking into that.
Hopefully we'll have these updated for NL soon. All other
Simslice items are NL compatible, just not these boats
for now.
The Appraisenator!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §155
Category: Electronics (also in Swimming
Statistics: Fun 5
Description: Finally a fun pool
toy for your Sims! Play with this motorized boat while swimming,
or you can stand nearby and operate it from a drier distance.
Your visitors and guests can play with it too. The remote control
is waterproof and the batteries never need recharging. Boats also
come in a variety of new colors (see previous page). Enjoy!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2. I think Nightlife changed
the pool flags so pool toys (anywhere) might not work for Nightlife
users anymore and we are checking into that.
Antique Electric Chair!
Coded By: Simslice
Designed By: Mavain
In-Game Price: §602
Category: Comfort (Seating)
Statistics: Comfort 7; Fun 2
Description: When the states outlawed
the use of this device, the underbudgeted powers-that-be saw a
quick way to make a buck. They partially gutted the remaining
chairs and opted to sell them to people who wore skin tight latex.
Now you too can bring one of these antiques into your home. Click
on it, and select any Sim on the lot to "ride the lightening".
Nicknamed "Ol' Sparky", it works in two modes: safe
and lethal. You choose the mode (default mode is safe). Use it
in the low-voltage safe mode for fun at parties or to suprise
your unsuspecting friends and family. Or set it to the highest
(lethal) setting to provide a much more... shocking revelation.
This antique can also be used as a regular chair without
the shocking features. Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 279
kb zipped |
7 Electric Urinals!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §350
Category: Plumbing
Statistics: Bladder 10; Fun 2; non-lethal!
Description: It's like
peeing, but with a twist! ...........and a turn.........
and maybe a convulsion or two. Weeeeeeee fun for everyone!
Comes in 7 styles: Roman Marble, Nightclub Red, Fiery
Green, Rich Gold, Metallic Grey, Dirty White and Deep Blues. Click
the "Pics" image above to see them. Enabled for use at-home
and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download All 7 Urinals:
kb zipped |
Stealth Black HMV
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §8460
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 10; Social 5
Description: Stealth
black version made based on requests. Own and climb inside a High
Mobility Vehicle, rev the engine for Fun points, or socialize
with your very own military driver NPC for Social points. Unlike
other cars, this large-sized vehicle can hold up to four (4) Sims
at a time (including driver). Guests can hop in and enjoy your
ride too. Car also comes in Military Standard, White Chrome (for
fun) and our "Camouflage 1" pattern (separate downloads,
below). Enjoy!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
"Viva la Universidad!" Alarm Clock
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §30
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Stay in College as long
as you want, without studying! Wake other Sims!
Description: Enjoy
the college life forever! This special clock will chime once
per day and when it does, all exams are postponed! Essentially,
your Sims will be able to enjoy the "fun part" of the
college experience for as long as they want... they don't even
have to go to class if they don't want to. To resume everything
back to normal, just "Unset" the alarm. Other features
include "Wake Everyone" - basically you can trigger
the alarm anytime you want (great for kicking those sleepy Sims
out of your bed). Unlike other clocks, this can be placed on any
table (e.g. counters, coffee tables, end tables, etc... even
on the floor).
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2, although for the
college features you will of course need the TS2 University expansion
Colleague Generator!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §4,911
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Generates co-workers in
their work clothes!
Description: This is
pretty fun new way to generate Sims - kind of a cross between a
costume party and an office party.... Generate a room
full of fellow co-workers, all in full work attire! Sims
can use this chamber to "Dress for Work" too so they don't
stick out in the crowd. This was originally made to be a "soldier
generator" so military Sims could socialize with other military
Sims, all while in their full dress uniforms (hence the camouflaged
look). But I expanded this to work with ALL other career fields
too: criminals can party with fellow criminals; police can have
coffee & pastries with fellow boys in blue, etc. etc. and everyone
will be dressed for the occassion. Unemployed Sims can also party
with other jobless Sims (they will be in their normal clothes).
NPC colleagues can be generated too! All TS2U careers are available,
for those that have that expansion. It really is pretty fun to use
for parties (I think) and I hope you enjoy it too. :)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
White Chrome Helicopter!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §9,000
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 10; Fly a helicopter!
Description: Hop inside your very own white chrome helicopter and fly it up through the clouds! Better yet, you can make money off this helicopter by renting it out to your guests and visitors for §50 a ride! This chopper runs in stealth mode, so it is much less noisy than the "work" helicopter. You'll also have your very own fly-boy onboard, and this pilot is caffeined-up and ready to fly, day or night, rain or shine. Helicopters in this section come in Black Stealth, Hot Pink, Rich Gold, White Chrome and Military Camouflage. Enjoy the ride!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: The Sims 2.
Military High Mobility Vehicles!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §8460 each
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 10; Social 5
Description: Own and
climb inside an HMV, rev the engine for Fun points, or socialize
with your very own military driver NPC for Social points. Unlike
other cars, this large-sized vehicle can hold up to four (4) Sims
at a time (including driver). Guests can hop in and enjoy your ride
too. HMV comes in Black Stealth (prior page), Military Standard,
White Chrome (for fun) and our "Camouflage 1" pattern
that has pattern-matching Helicopter, Sports Car, Wall,
& Floors.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Military Command Chopper!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §9,000
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 10; Fly a helicopter!
Description: Hop inside
your very own camouflaged helicopter and fly it up through
the clouds! Better yet, you can make money off this helicopter
by renting it out to your guests and visitors for §50
a ride! This chopper runs in stealth mode, so it is much less
noisy than the "work" helicopter. You'll also have your
very own fly-boy onboard, and this pilot is caffeined-up and ready
to fly, day or night, rain or shine. This chopper uses our "Camouflage
1" pattern that has pattern-matching HMV, Sports Car, Wall,
& Floors.
Helicopters in this section come in Black
Stealth, Hot Pink, Rich Gold, White Chrome and Military Camouflage.
Enjoy the ride!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Rich Gold Helicopter!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §9,000
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 10; Fly a helicopter!
Description: Functions
just like our original "Stealth Chopper", but this comes
in a Rich Gold color. Flaunt your wealth, hop inside your very
own helicopter and fly it up through the clouds! Better
yet, you can also earn income by renting it out to your guests
and visitors for §50 a ride! This chopper runs in stealth
mode, so it is much less noisy than the "work" helicopter.
You'll also have your very own "fly-boy" onboard...
and this pilot is caffeined-up and ready to fly at all times,
day or night, rain or shine. Helicopters
in this section come in Black Stealth, Hot Pink, Rich Gold, White
Chrome and Military Camouflage. Enjoy the ride!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Sports Cars!
Camouflaged (Military & Urban); Metallic
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §7940 each
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 10; Social 5
Description: These now
come in Military Camouflage, Urban Camouflage and Metallic grey
colors, and function just like our original Black and Red
sports cars (below). Park these bad boys anywhere on your lot and
be the envy of your entire neighborhood! These vehicles are not
just expensive lawn ornaments -- you can hop inside, and ride shotgun!
Rev the engine for Fun points, or socialize with your very own driver
NPC for Social points. Comes with daytime running lights. Park them
in your driveway, or build a garage for them. Guests can hop in
and enjoy your ride too. Military car uses our "Camouflage
1" pattern that also matches our Helicopter, HMV, Wall,
& Floors.
Have fun!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Hot Pink Helicopter!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §9,000
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 10; Fly a helicopter!
Description: Functions
just like our original "Stealth Chopper", but this comes
in Hot Pink. Hop inside your very own fashionable helicopter and
fly it up through the clouds! Better yet, you can also
earn income by renting it out to your guests and visitors
for §50 a ride! This chopper runs in stealth mode, so it
is much less noisy than the "work" helicopter. You'll
also have your very own "fly-boy" onboard... and this
pilot is caffeined-up and ready to fly at all times, day or night,
rain or shine. Helicopters in this section
come in Black Stealth, Hot Pink, Rich Gold, White Chrome and Military
Camouflage. Enjoy the ride!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Rich Gold Helicopter!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §9,000
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 10; Fly a helicopter!
Description: Functions
just like our original "Stealth Chopper", but this comes
in a Rich Gold color. Flaunt your wealth, hop inside your very
own helicopter and fly it up through the clouds! Better
yet, you can also earn income by renting it out to your guests
and visitors for §50 a ride! This chopper runs in stealth
mode, so it is much less noisy than the "work" helicopter.
You'll also have your very own "fly-boy" onboard...
and this pilot is caffeined-up and ready to fly at all times,
day or night, rain or shine. Helicopters
in this section come in Black Stealth, Hot Pink, Rich Gold, White
Chrome and Military Camouflage. Enjoy the ride!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Sports Cars!
Camouflaged (Military & Urban); Metallic
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §9,000
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 10; Fly a helicopter!
Description: Functions
just like our original "Stealth Chopper", but this comes
in a Rich Gold color. Flaunt your wealth, hop inside your very
own helicopter and fly it up through the clouds! Better
yet, you can also earn income by renting it out to your guests
and visitors for §50 a ride! This chopper runs in stealth
mode, so it is much less noisy than the "work" helicopter.
You'll also have your very own "fly-boy" onboard...
and this pilot is caffeined-up and ready to fly at all times,
day or night, rain or shine. Helicopters
in this section come in Black Stealth, Hot Pink, Rich Gold, White
Chrome and Military Camouflage. Enjoy the ride!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Sports Cars!
Camouflaged (Military & Urban); Metallic
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §7940 each
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 10; Social 5
Description: These now
come in Military Camouflage, Urban Camouflage and Metallic grey
colors, and function just like our original Black and Red
sports cars (below). Park these bad boys anywhere on your lot and
be the envy of your entire neighborhood! These vehicles are not
just expensive lawn ornaments -- you can hop inside, and ride shotgun!
Rev the engine for Fun points, or socialize with your very own driver
NPC for Social points. Comes with daytime running lights. Park them
in your driveway, or build a garage for them. Guests can hop in
and enjoy your ride too. Military car uses our "Camouflage
1" pattern that also matches our Helicopter, HMV, Wall,
& Floors.
Have fun!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Hot Pink Helicopter!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §9,000
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 10; Fly a helicopter!
Description: Functions
just like our original "Stealth Chopper", but this comes
in Hot Pink. Hop inside your very own fashionable helicopter and
fly it up through the clouds! Better yet, you can also
earn income by renting it out to your guests and visitors
for §50 a ride! This chopper runs in stealth mode, so it
is much less noisy than the "work" helicopter. You'll
also have your very own "fly-boy" onboard... and this
pilot is caffeined-up and ready to fly at all times, day or night,
rain or shine. Helicopters in this section
come in Black Stealth, Hot Pink, Rich Gold, White Chrome and Military
Camouflage. Enjoy the ride!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Sports Cars!
Electric Blue, Neon Green, White Chrome
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §7940 each
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 10; Social 5
Description: These now
come in Electric Blue, Neon Green and White Chrome colors,
and function just like our original Black and Red sports
cars (below). Park these bad boys anywhere on your lot and be the
envy of your entire neighborhood! These vehicles are not
just expensive lawn ornaments -- you can hop inside, and ride shotgun!
Rev the engine for Fun points, or socialize with your very own driver
NPC for Social points. Comes with daytime running lights. Park them
in your driveway, or build a garage for them. Guests can hop in
and enjoy your ride too. Have fun!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Sports Cars!
Hot Pink, Rich Gold, Purple
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §7940 each
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 10; Social 5
Description: Available in Hot Pink, Rich Gold and Simslice Purple colors, and function just like our original Black and Red sports cars (below). Park these bad boys anywhere on your lot and be the envy of your entire neighborhood! These vehicles are not just expensive lawn ornaments -- you can hop inside, and ride shotgun! Rev the engine for Fun points, or socialize with your very own driver NPC for Social points. Comes with daytime running lights. Park them in your driveway, or build a garage for them. Guests can hop in and enjoy your ride too. Have fun!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None - Any Version of The Sims 2.
Venus Sim Trap!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §2,351
Category: Decorative (Plants)
Statistics: Fun 2; Remove any Sim of your choice... permanently!
Description: This Venus Fly Trap mutation allows you to choose which Sim on the lot will meet an... shall we say untimely demise. Victims can be any Sim on the lot you choose - be they NPC, neighbor, family, Toddler... or just some hapless passer-by. This is humerous but functional too. For example, Sims can rid their lot of those nasty burglars before they steal. Or loners can... "discourage" neighbors from visiting or even jogging past their house. Additional changes and interactions have been added in for those who simply want to "Admire" this bizarre plant. The "bait" is a pizza slice (not cake), but don't worry, this plant won't eat any Sims unless you actually select them to be... well, plant food. :o
This is similar to our TS1 Guard Tomatoes, except that... uh, it's not a tomato. And you need to actually select the Sim for them to be "removed" -- when you click on the plant, it will list the names of all "edible" Sims on the lot. Simslice doesn't typically make death objects, but since we've had a lot of requests for a fun way to permanently remove Sims from the game, we thought this would be a pretty entertaining way to do it... well, probably not so entertaining for some of your Sims... :p
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: The Sims 2 University expansion pack
Sims "1" Tip: This TS2 object is sort of similar to our Guard Tomatoes made for original Sims (TS1) game - in our Outside/Build Mode Objects section (currently pg.2). |
Guest Generator!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §10,038
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Generate any Sim onto
your lot... instantly!
Description: Tired
of having parties limited to only two people? Having a hard time
inviting over other Sims because they don't own a phone or are
too wrapped up in their soaps? Use the Guest Generator to beam
any neighbor onto your lot... instantly! Even if they are
at work, this electrical doohicky will still transport them directly
onto your lot anytime you want (day or night). Fun guest reactions,
sounds and special effects occur as they exit the chamber. Great
way to boost up those relationships and Social points.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
NPC Generator!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §2059
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Generate any NPC from
your game... instantly!
Description: Use this
chamber to beem over any NPC (non player character) or "unhoused"
Sim onto your lot instantly. You choose any character you want,
then he/she will instantly materialize inside your chamber, and
step out onto your lot! Their reactions, sounds and special effects
make this technical thingamabob fun to use too. You can socialize
with them too -- talk to them, play games, date them... or more!
It's all up to you. This is coded to spawn any NPC in your
game -- from the base game and from any expansion pack you
may have installed. And there are no special requirements for
use. :)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Sims "1" Tip: This TS2 object is pretty
much like a combination of our "NPC
Friendship Bears" and our "Ultimate
NPC Generator" , which you can get for the original Sims
(TS1) game via our NPC
Friendship Pack page or in our Electronic
Objects section (currently pg.1). |
Sports Cars!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §10,038
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Generate any Sim onto
your lot... instantly!
Description: Tired
of having parties limited to only two people? Having a hard time
inviting over other Sims because they don't own a phone or are
too wrapped up in their soaps? Use the Guest Generator to beam
any neighbor onto your lot... instantly! Even if they are
at work, this electrical doohicky will still transport them directly
onto your lot anytime you want (day or night). Fun guest reactions,
sounds and special effects occur as they exit the chamber. Great
way to boost up those relationships and Social points.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §2300
Category: Electronic
Statistics: Social 5; Fun 10
Description: Hop inside
and play around with the sirens for Fun points, and socialize
with the EMT driver for Social points. The EMT driver and
vehicle is available to you 24/7. If you're interested in going
with a medical "emergency" theme, try complimenting this
with our Fire Engine or Police Cars (separate downloads in this
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2. |
Stealth Chopper!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §9,000
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 10; Fly a helicopter!
Description: Hop inside
your very own helicopter and fly it up through the clouds!
Better yet, you can also earn income by renting it out to your
guests and visitors for §50 a ride! This chopper runs in
stealth mode, so it is much less noisy than the "work"
helicopter. You'll also have your very own "fly-boy" onboard...
and this pilot is caffeined-up and ready to fly at all times, day
or night, rain or shine. Helicopters in this
section come in Black Stealth, Hot Pink, Rich Gold, White Chrome
and Military Camouflage. Enjoy the ride!
To see a slideshow of screenshots, hover your mouse
pointer over the image above. Enabled for use at-home and on
all away-from-home lots.
Updated June 21, 2005: Code adjusted to prevent
occassional premature exiting of the aircraft by family members.
This update was also applied to all other helicopters in this section
prior to their release.
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 364
kb zipped |
Rejuvenation Chamber!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §10,000
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Modeled after our Original Rejuvenation Chamber for TS1 - Fun technological sounds and special effects while maxing out all Moods and Aspirations instantly!
Description: Perfect for those who crave that technological edge and never have enough time in the morning to eat, shower, and take care of their other needs. Never miss a car pool again. Watch all your Aspiration and Mood bars soar up while you completely rejuvenate your mind and body in Simslice's Rejuvenation Chamber for The Sims 2.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Try 2 additional versions of this Chamber from our "Remake the Rejuvys 2" (Contest #9) posted on the TS2 Rejuvenation Chamber page.
Sims "1" Tip: For a Rejuvenator that behaves similarly, check out our TS1 Original Rejuvenation Chamber in our Freebies section and many more advanced Rejuvenators including our very popular, The Rejuvitron in our Electronic Objects section. |
Debilitation Chamber!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §9,500
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Modeled after our
Original Debilitation Chamber for TS1 - Technological sounds
and special effects occur while lowering the lucky Sim's Mood
levels to -8.
Description: This is
pretty much the opposite of our Rejuvenation Chamber. All mood
levels of the oh so lucky sim will be reduced to -8. Great fun
at parties. You will be loved by all. And the sales of eggs and
toilet paper in your area just may skyrocket.
Aspirations not affected. Enabled for use at-home
and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 248
kb zipped
For a Debilitator that behaves similarly, check
out our Original Debilitation Chamber for TS1 and many more advanced
Rejuvenators in our TS1
Electronic Objects section. |
The Teacher!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §5,000
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Change grades to A+;
Energy -8; Comfort -3; Fun 3
Description: Miss that
blasted school bus again? Think that you're destined to hold that
tin Simolean cup on street corners? Then quick! Slap on "The
Teacher" and instantly zap your brain with all the knowledge
you need to make it to the top of your class. University students
can use it to help ace those college Finals too. The process is
a bit draining so make sure to rest your Sim afterwards. The more
Body points your student has, the better they can handle it. Hilarious
but non-lethal consequences possible too. Made for Teens & College
kids but Children can use it to increase their grades too.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 123
kb zipped
Sims "1" Tip: This was inspired by our
"Teacher" for the original Sims (TS1), a separate object
which can downloaded from our TS1
Electronic Objects section. |
Friendship Candles!
Techy Transporter Pad!
Object By: Simslice
Recolored By: Mavain
In-Game Price: §5,000
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 2
Description: Make doors
and bulky staircases a thing of the past! Great for keeping that
"secret room" all to yourself and away from snooping Sims!
Teleport any Sim to any location on the lot instantly,
including visitors and even NPCs. Even Toddlers can use it! Beeming
special effects and dozens of different reactions and sounds make
this fun to use too. It's advanced AI technology makes it all possible,
but also gives this teleporter a mind of it's own... so you may
see it "lost in thought" from time to time. But don't
worry, it's always on the job and safe to use (yep, no transport
errors ala Star Trek with this baby...). :p
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
lots. Last updated February 2007 with new object animations
to make it look even cooler, plus if you have the Pets expansion
pack you can transport your pets now too!
The Sims 2.
Colorful Transporter Pad!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §5,000
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 2
Description: Make doors
and bulky staircases a thing of the past! Great for keeping that
"secret room" all to yourself and away from snooping Sims!
Teleport any Sim to any location on the lot instantly,
including visitors and even NPCs. Even Toddlers can use it! Beeming
special effects and dozens of different reactions and sounds make
this fun to use too. It's advanced AI technology makes it all possible,
but also gives this teleporter a mind of it's own... so you may
see it "lost in thought" from time to time. But don't
worry, it's always on the job and safe to use (yep, no transport
errors ala Star Trek with this baby...). :p
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
lots. Last updated February 2007 with new object animations
to make it look even cooler, plus if you have the Pets expansion
pack you can transport your pets now too!
The Sims 2.
The E-Mentor!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §32,700
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Get any Job instantly!
Energy -8; Comfort -3; Hunger 8; Fun 3
Description: The ultimate
career "booster" allows you to get ANY job in the Sims
2 game... instantly! Adult Sims can strap on The Mentor choose
from all of the 100 jobs that
came with the original Sims 2 game, all 50
jobs in the FreeTime expansion pack, all 60
jobs in Seasons, and all 40
University jobs (if you have those expansions) -- and no college
degree is required to get them! You click on the career path, then
click the job title... and zap! - get it instantly! Amusing and
shocking animations and sounds occur while you get the job of your
dreams. Safe to use (non-lethal), but draining, so rest your
Sim afterwards. You can also select "Homemaker" to become
unemployed. The electrical impulses may curb their appetites too,
giving a hunger boost -- so Sims can rest right up to the last minute
without worrying about having to slam down a breakfast before the
carpool leaves.
Requirements: NONE -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 121
kb zipped
NOTE: If you want Pet jobs, check out our Critter
Classifieds for TS2 pets -- currently on page
6 at the time of this writing. TS1 players can use our
original Mentor objects in
our TS1 Electronic Objects section (page 5). Objects shift to
latter pages over time, so if it's not on these pages, try the next
page, or type "mentor" in our keyword Search
Engine. |
The E-Mentor (Teen/Elder version)
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §30,700
Category: Electronics
Statistics:Get any Job instantly!
Energy -8; Comfort -3; Hunger 8; Fun 3
Description: The ultimate
career "booster", similar to our Adult Mentor version.
Now Teen and Elder Sims can strap on The Mentor and instantly
choose ANY job in the game -- all 30
jobs that came with the original Sims 2 game, all 15
jobs from the FreeTime expansion pack, and all 18
jobs in Seasons expansion (if you have them). You click on the career
path, then click the job title... and zap! - get it instantly! Amusing
and shocking animations and sounds occur while you get the job of
your dreams. Safe to use (non-lethal), but draining, so rest
your Sim afterwards. You can also select "Homemaker" to
become unemployed. The electrical impulses may curb their appetites
too, giving a hunger boost -- so Sims can rest right up to the last
minute without worrying about having to slam down a breakfast before
the carpool leaves.
Requirements: NONE -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 117
kb zipped
NOTE: If you want Pet jobs, check out our Critter
Classifieds for TS2 pets -- currently on page
6 at the time of this writing. TS1 players can use our
original Mentor objects in
our TS1 Electronic Objects section (page 5). Objects shift to
latter pages over time, so if it's not on these pages, try the next
page, or type "mentor" in our keyword Search
Engine. |
Electro-Booster 8
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §10,047
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Maxes out all moods
and aspirations, and keeps them maxed out... forever!
Description: Never
worry about Mood or Aspiration levels again! This complex technological
thingamaboby continuously maxes out all Moods and Aspiration levels
for every Sim on the lot... and keeps them maxed out... forever!
It's a great aid for having roof raisin' parties, making fast friends,
and much much more. To stop the "boosts" and return things
back to normal, simply delete this unit off of the wall.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 21
kb zipped
Sims "1" Tip: For an "original Sims"
object that behaves similarly, check out our Mystical
Fountain. |
Electro-Booster 4
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §8,052
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Maxes out 4 distinct
moods and keeps them maxed out... forever!
Description: Never
worry about Energy, Comfort, Hygiene or Bladder levels again!
This intricate electrical doohicky continuously maxes out the
Energy, Comfort, Hygiene and Bladder moods for every Sim on the
lot... and keeps them maxed out... forever! Great way to
keep your visitors active and social, without clogging up your bathrooms.
The other moods (Social, Fun, Hunger, Environment) are unaffected
- to better encourage interaction with other objects (such as getting
social points from group meal times). To stop the "boosts"
and return things back to normal, simply delete this unit off of
the wall.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 23
kb zipped
Sims "1" Tip: For an "original Sims"
object that behaves similarly, check out our Rejuvitron. |
Weather in The Sims 2
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §1,969
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Makes four different types
of rain-related weather, and in an entertaining way!
Description: Approach
this ancient droplet-looking obelisk and do your "Rain Dance".
If your dance is deemed worthy, the Rain Maker will send a signal
to the atmosphere and soon afterwards your lot will fill with the
pitter patter of little rain drops! Rain showers can last several
Sim hours, depending on the severity of the storm you chose. Light
Rain, Heavy Rain, Thunderstorm and even Lightening. The actual weather
itself is based upon the rain originally intended for The Sims 2
game that was abandoned prior to it's release, and it has been adjusted
a bit here for our purposes. See readme file for important gameplay
details. Click here to see several screenshots
of this Sims 2 Weather in action!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 704
kb zipped |
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §3010
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 5
Description: A UFO of
your very own to enjoy! Put it on your lot and let the flashing
lights and alien sounds amuse your neighbors all night long! Hover
it over your house to impress passer-bys. Makes an eye-catching
conversation piece too. You can also "beam" aboard the
spaceship and gain Fun points while exploring all the cool alien
gadgets & gizmos inside! This object is being released in BETA
form - only because it might take a few extra clicks to activate
the "Launch" feature for some people. No biggie, and it
is being investigated. Otherwise, this spaceship has been very well
tested, should cause no real problems and should be loads of fun
to use as is. I hope you enjoy it. :)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 58
kb zipped |
Police Car!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §2100
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 2
Description: Climb
inside this Squad Car and play around: start the engine, run the
lights, sound the siren... and gain Fun points doing it. Freak
out those sketchy-looking neighbors day or night. Decorative only
(cop car won't drive... yet).
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 47
kb zipped |
Fire Engine!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §2500
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Fun 4
Description: Climb
inside the Fire Truck and play around inside. Start the engine,
run the flashing lights, sound the siren all you want... and gain
Fun points doing it. Amuse your neighbors all night long. For
Teens, Adults and Elders. Decorative car only (because it won't
actually drive... yet).
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None
- made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download: 29
kb zipped |
Command Consoles!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §3000 each
Category: Electronics
Statistics: Max all Moods, Aspirations,
Skills, Personality for one Sim... or all Sims on the lot!
Description: These computers
will max out your Mood, Skills, Personality or your Aspirations
upon command. If you choose, you can also do the same for all
other Sims on the lot too! However in those cases, there MIGHT
be a small risk of "operator error"... nothing to lose
sleep over though... ;) All other computer options are available
too. It is also "visitor-enabled" so your guests or Community
lot visitors can play games, check their email, etc. whenever they
feel like it (but don't worry, they will NOT be able to use any
of these special features we added, like maxing out skills, etc.).
If you have TS2U, all "College..." pie menu options will
also be available. Updated April 2006 with new camouflaged
version -- model by Wintermuteai1. Adjusted by Simslice to match
our other camouflaged objects.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home
Requirements: None -
made to work with any version of The Sims 2.
Download Camouflage version:
kb zipped |