Presidential Podium & Tip Generating Mics

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Skill Plants with Fruit - 18 Objects!

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Home Safe!

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By: Wintermuteai1
In-Game Price: §1500 each
Category: Hobbies -> Miscellaneous / Creative
Statistics: Money Makers; Creativity; Charisma; Fun 10
Description: Earn money, Creativity & Charisma points for your talents! Practice your important political speeches on an authentic American Presidential Podium (with official Seal) for Charisma Points. Use the improved Modular Synthesizer or the Superstar Microphone which, unlike other units, can both rack up those Simoleans in the form of tips (and earn Creativity points too).
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: The Podium requires the Open For Business expansion pack. The synthesizer requires the Freetime expansion. The mic requires the Apartment Life expansion.
By: Wintermuteai1
In-Game Price: §40
Category: Hobbies -> Miscellaneous
Statistics: Hunger 10; Bladder -1; Fun 2; Skill Points; Mood Boosts; Change Age Groups; and more!
Description: All of these plants produce wonderful fruits that, when eaten, give Skill Points! The Life Plant/Fruit will turn back time for elders, Energize adults, and grow up other age groups! The Death Plant/Fruit is useful when you want to...rid yourself of an unwanted Sim. Careful you don't eat from it yourself! :)
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None - Made to work with any version of The Sims 2 game.
By: Wintermuteai1 In-Game Price: §20
Category: Hobbies -> Miscellaneous
Description: Sims of any age can put away their hard-earned Simoleans in this Home Safe. And you earn interest on your balance! Interest rates vary as the market fluctuates, and interest earned is automatically deposited into the safe once every 24 hours. You can check your current account balance, interest rates or withdrawal your funds anytime you want. Earn Fun points while making deposits and withdrawals too!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: The Sims 2 Nightlife expansion pack might be required.
Want More?: If you enjoy this, or want a similar TS2 object that has no expansion requirements but does the same thing, try our original "Piggy Bank"
in TS2 objects on page 4 at the time of this writing.
TS1 Note: For original Sims objects that generate interest, try our Certificates of Deposits & Loan Certificates.
NOTE: Downloads here move to latter pages over time, so if it's not on the page listed above, try the next page, or do a keyword search via our Search Engine..
Medieval Armor - 11 Objects! 
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Star Trek Items - 7 Objects! 
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Flyable Toys - 7 Objects!  |
By: Wintermuteai1
In-Game Price: varies - see "readme" file
Category: varies - see "readme" file
Description: Small set of eleven (11) items consisting of armour from the Middle Ages, including knight armor with weapons, banners and shields... even ancient Samurai armor from Japan.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None - Made to work with any version of The Sims 2 game.
By: Wintermuteai1
In-Game Price: varies - see "readme" file
Category: varies - see "readme" file
Description: Celebrating the release of the new Star Trek movie, these are seven (7) items ranging from the original series through the future ones. Including the "Guardian of Forever", TNG Romulan Warbird model, and various Borg Holographic devices.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: Nightlife expansion pack needed for all, except the Romulan Warbird which has no requirements.
By: Wintermuteai1
In-Game Price: §25 each
Category: Hobbies -> Miscellaneous
Description: These lightweight toys are fun for all ages! Includes rockets, planes, spaceship, balloon and even a Cup Buddy.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None - Made to work with any version of The Sims 2 game.
Outdoor Items 1 - 12 Objects!

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Caveman Set - 17 Objects!

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Japanese Set - 30 Objects!

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By: Wintermuteai1
In-Game Price: varies - see "readme" file
Category: varies - see "readme" file
Description: Attractive decor and plants for your outdoor lots, including ancient stone & wood sculptures, ancient stone altar, giant mushroom plants, ScareCows (scarecrows) and even a silly stuffed cowplant toy for your Toddlers to enjoy.
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: None - Made to work with any version of The Sims 2 game (except ScareCow which requires the Seasons expansion pack).
By: Wintermuteai1
In-Game Price: varies - see "readme"
Category: varies - see "readme"
Description: Fun new objects for your stone age Sims to enjoy with their new opposable thumbs! Exercise, cooking, cave-art, living, decor, mystery objects, and much more... including a fossil that will summon Bigfoot into your home anytime you want. Some downloads contain more than one object. Enjoy!
Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: FreeTime expansion pack needed for some, but not for most. See "readme" files for details.
By: Wintermuteai1
In-Game Price: varies - see "readme"file
Category: varies - see "readme" file
Description: More asian decor, most with a Japanese theme. New exercise objects (such as Throwing Stars), Psionic Stones to mystically build any of your Skill points, Kung Fu and Ninja items, plus standard decor such as fountains, furniture and an at-home Noodlestand with your very own chef available 24/7! Some downloads contain more than one object. Enjoy! Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.
Requirements: Various, see "readme" files for details.