The Sims 2 Objects

Animal & Stuff

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"Cycle of Life" Animals for TS2!
These animals DO NOT require the Pets expansion pack!

Animals that mate, have offspring, hatch, grow up, eat, live, ... and provide food, wealth and fellowship for your Sims for generations!
Made By: Simslice
Most Models By: mickyss
Buy Mode Price: §30 each
Food Price: §5 to §10 each
Category: Miscellaneous
Statistics: Hunger 10; Fun 4; Social 3

Description: Finally have realistic animals for your farm, pond or household! These animals provide food, money and fellowship for your entire family, all from the comforts of your own home! They move around the lot much like in our original TS1 Mabel the Chicken version, but these TS2 versions have many more features that we're sure you'll really enjoy! To start, just buy some animals and food. If you take care of your animals, they will prosper and increase in value, but if you don't they will go hungry and die. Care is easy - just keep some food on the lot and they will self-feed. If you forget, you will be alerted when their food supply runs low. For Fun points, you can hand-feed the animals; for Social points you can socialize with them; for Hunger points, you can eat them (animals or eggs); for Simoleans, you can sell them. Animals increase in value with each passing day. Plus other interactions are available as well. Impregnated animals will lay fresh eggs which you can either cook & eat, or leave alone to hatch into a baby! (animals that don't lay eggs will just give birth). Baby animals, if well fed, will soon grow into healthy adults. Like all life, individual animals can't live forever but they will provide your Sims with sustenance, wealth and fellowship for generations to come.

In addition, a large amount of statistical information is available right at your fingertips to help better manage your farm, stable, etc. -- stats such as knowing exactly how hungry or pregnant all of your animals are, or how depleted their food is, or how soon your baby animals will grow up... or even what their NAMES are (yes, they each have names!) Plus much much more -- all stats are viewable with just one click. A lot of fun new surprises were also added that we know you'll enjoy (...and no snakes this time, don't worry). :)

Best of all, you DO NOT need any expansion packs to use them! If you enjoyed our original TS1 COL animals, we believe the advancements in these TS2 versions will thrill you! Nine (9) different species of animals are available, totaling Ninety (90) files in all -- they have a rather complex series of code-interactions to make your animal experience optimal and painless. Plenty of additional details are in the enclosed "readme" file too. Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots of course. Enjoy!

Requirements: None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.

Pet Smoke!

Bigger pics: pic#1

Made By: Simslice
Buy Mode Price: §15
Buy Mode Category: Decorative -> Miscellaneous
Statistics: Add smokey effects anywhere on your themed lots!

Description: A fully animated but harmless decorative array of smoke effects you can place anywhere on your lot. They can intersect any Sim or object. For a different look, you can change the size and/or type of smoke: black, white, green, etc... eleven (11) different options are available. Lastly, this smoke will never go out... unless you snuff it out.

Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.

Requirements: None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.

If you like this, try our Pet Fire later on in this section (on page 9 at the time of this writing).... or you can find it via our keyword Search Page. TS1 players can also enjoy a Pet Fire in our TS1 Lighting Objects section.

Self-Cleaning Litter Box!

See All Four Styles: pic#1

Made By: Simslice
Price: §250
Buy Mode Category: Miscellaneous -> Pets
Statistics: Bladder 10

Description: No muss no fuss no more! The self-cleaning litter box effortlessly does all the dirty work for you! It's also a good compliment with our "Bottomless Pet Food Bowl" -- with both objects, you never have to worry about Fifi's input... or output again.

Comes in four (4) different patterns - see pic#1 link above. Surprises included. Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.

Requirements: The Sims 2 Pets expansion pack.

"No Strays Allowed" Sign!

Made By: Simslice
Buy Mode Price: §40
Buy Mode Category: Miscellaneous -> Pets
Statistics: Keep wandering animals off your lawn

Description: Keep strays away forever. Another product breakthrough for sour Sims everywhere, thanks to BitterMan Corp. Put this sign anywhere on your lawn, and any uninvited animals that wander into your yard will leave immediately. Family member pets are not affected. Six (6) different sign styles are available with circle & slash shown over: Dog, Cat, Fish, Birds, Womrat or Polar Bear.

Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.

Requirements: The Sims 2 Pets expansion pack.

Pet Rejuvenation Chamber!

Coding and texturing by: Simslice
Model adjustments and texturing by: Wintermuteai1
Price: §3500
Buy Mode Category: Miscellaneous -> Pets
Statistics: Fun technological sounds and special effects while maxing out your pet's Moods instantly!

Description: This picture does not do it justice - the flashy texture animations really add zing to this object, thanks to Wintermuteai1. Similar to our "human" version, pets can enter this Chamber to max out all their mood levels. Unlike our TS1 version, this time you can select any animal on the lot to enter the Chamber whenever you want... even NPCs and strays! No more waiting around for animals to choose to enter it (although they can also autonomously enter it whenever they are in need). Enjoy!

Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.

Requirements: The Sims 2 Pets expansion pack.

Pet Debilitation Chamber!
Coding and texturing by: Simslice
Model adjustments by: Wintermuteai1
Price: §500
Buy Mode Category: Miscellaneous -> Pets
Statistics: Fun technological sounds and special effects while draining an animal's Moods to -8

Description: A great way to discourage strays from hanging around and digging up your yard. This picture does not do it justice either - the flashy texture animations really add zing to this object, thanks to Wintermuteai1. Similar to our "rejuvenator" version, animals who enter this Chamber will have all their mood levels lowered to minus 8 (-8). Bonus Feature: You can adjust the settings to allow or disallow family member pets from entering the chamber on their own (autonomously). However you can still use the "Send to Chamber" command anytime you want to make any animal on the lot enter inside it... even the skunk. ;)

Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.

Requirements: The Sims 2 Pets expansion pack.

Bottomless Pet Food Bowl!

Made By: Simslice
Price: §100
Buy Mode Category: Miscellaneous -> Pets
Statistics: Hunger 10; Feeds any animal forever!

Description: Never fill another pet food dish again. Feeds any hungry animal: dog, cat, etc. Always stays clean and full of food. Now you can have extra time to focus on other duties... like cleaning up poop. Enjoy!

Comes in ten (10) different patterns. Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.

Requirements: The Sims 2 Pets expansion pack.

Pet Generator!

Made By: Simslice
Price: §5038
Buy Mode Category: Electronics
Statistics: Instantly teleport any animal onto your lot!

Description: Instantly beam over any pet on your lot whenever you want. You can transport over any cat, dog, skunk or wolf in the game: be they NPC, neighbor, or homeless stray! Bright flashes with techy sounds occur during the materialization process. The animal may be a bit bewildered at first, but they are resilient. :)

Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.

Requirements: The Sims 2 Pets expansion pack.

TS1: If you play the original Sims game, check out our TS1 Pet Generator in Incentive Pack #9 and our at-home pet adoption centers in The Adoption Pack.

Bush of Life!

Made By: Simslice
Price: §5000
Buy Mode Category: Miscellaneous -> Pets
Build Mode Category: Gardening (Trees)
Statistics: Stops the aging process in your Pets!

Description: For those that want more control to play their same Sim family pets for an extended period of time. Plop this bush on your lot and your family's pets will never experience their next Age Transition! Kittens can stay kittens forever. Your loyal ol' family dog will never die of old age... just like in the original Sims. If you want to resume aging normally again, no problem! Simply delete the Bush from your lot. Affects family member pets only; visitors are not affected.

Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.

Requirements: The Sims 2 Pets expansion pack. But if you don't have it, you can still use this in your game as just a decorative plant.

NOTE: When also used with our Tree of Life (separate download), you can keep your human Sims "ageless" for as long as you want. The Tree of Life is posted on the last page in this section (page 18 at the time of this writing).

Pet Friend Candles!

Made By: Simslice
Price: §969
Category: Miscellaneous -> Pets
Statistics: Max out any Pet/Sim Relationship Scores to 100!; Transports any animal to your lot instantly!

Description: Similar to our previous Friendship Candles, these candles allow you to choose any animal by name, and become Best Friends with them instantly (maxing out both long term and short term relationship scores to 100!). If the animal is not on the lot, he/she will materialize right beside your Sim to thank you. Species include Cats, Dogs, Wolves and even Skunks. This affects any quadruped animal you choose, including family member pets, neighbor pets, strays... even NPCs! Enjoy your new furry friends!

Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.

Requirements: The Sims 2 Pets expansion pack.

NOTE: If you like this download, check out our original TS2 Friendship Candles for "human" Sims too -- it's posted on a latter page in this section.

Critter Classifieds!

Made By: Simslice
Price: §50
Category: Miscellaneous -> Pets
Statistics: Get any pet job instantly!

Description: Your listless pet doesn't want to work their way to the top? No problem! Sims can browse through this newspaper and instantly give their cat or dog any job in any career field! All 12 pet jobs are available. Just select your pet by name, pick the job you want, and... wait for the carpool! "Human" Sims can enjoy reading pet-related news or challenge themselves with the kitty/canine crossword puzzle. Keep the paper for as long as you want (it won't expire).

Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.

Requirements: The Sims 2 Pets expansion pack. But if you don't have it, you can still use this in your game as something fun to read.

NOTE: If you like this download, check out our TS2 E-Mentors for "human" Sims -- currently on page 17 at the time of this writing. TS1 players can use our original Mentor objects in our TS1 Electronic Objects section (page 5). Objects shift to latter pages over time, so if it's not on these pages, try the next page, or type "mentor" in our keyword Search Engine.

Zencat Tribute Sculpture!

Made By: Simslice
Price: §1500
Category: Miscellaneous -> Pets
Statistics: Adjust any Mood, Personality trait or Interest of your pets!

Description: By the power of Zencat! Use the tribute idol of this wascally wascal to adjust a variety of traits on your family's pet. Max all Moods (or deplete them), or increase only specific moods to meet their needs. The same thing goes for your pet's Personality and Interest too -- max 'em, deplete 'em or just choose specifically which ones to increase. This sculpture will help you "sculpt" your pet to your liking.

Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.

Requirements: The Sims 2 Pets expansion pack. But if you don't have it, you can probably still use this in your game as a decoration.

NOTE: If you enjoy this, check out our actual TS2 Zencat here. Or if you play the original Sims (TS1) game, check out our original Zencat Idol here and our 5 live Zencat NPCs here.

Vampire Bats!

By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §7 each
Category: Miscellaneous
Statistics: Hunger 4; Fun 2; Vampire-related functions!

Description: Snack bats! Oh Yummy! Enjoy these tasty(?) treats at your next party! Your guests will snarf them down! Lots of vampire-esque attributes included! Put the black bats out on your buffet table, and any Sim who eats one will turn into a Vampire instantly. Put out the brown bats, and any Vampire who eats one will be instantly cured of Vampirism (turned back into a regular Sim). Works on family members, guests and NPCs. Whether you are a Vampire or not, you can also turn your Sim into a flying bat anytime, and stay that way for as long as you want. Fly around the lot and still do all the same things your Sim would normally do... but just as a bat. You can also summon the Grand Vampyre NPC anytime you want... you can spawn multiple Grand Vampyres too. You can also dress into a female or male Vampire outfit anytime.

Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.

Requirements: None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2. However if you don't have the Nightlife expansion pack, the Vampire-related functions won't be available for you, but you can still use these bats as regular, healthy, edible snack food... if that's you're thing... :p

Lake Fish!
By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §5
Category: Decorative
Statistics: N/A

Description: Add a little "visual flavor" to your lakes by stocking it with these tropical fish! They swim around in full animation, never need food and they will live forever (...or until you delete them). No expansions required!

Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.

Requirements: None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.

Download: 25 kb zipped

Pet Fire!

By: Simslice
In-Game Price: §15
Category: Lighting
Statistics: N/A

Description: A fully animated but harmless decorative fire you can place anywhere on your lot. It will not spread around and it will not burn anything. For a different look, you can increase and decrease the size of the flame too and it will not hurt your Environment score. If a "real" fire appears on your lot, you can use this to summon the Fire Station... much faster than by conventional means. Lastly, this fire will never go out... unless you put it out. Enjoy! :)

Enabled for use at-home and on all away-from-home lots.

Requirements: None - made to work with any version of The Sims 2.

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